Game uses food for healing

>game uses food for healing
>later into the game they introduce food that damages you or even enemies that pretend to be food

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what the fuck is this shit

I don't get it.

anime girl is allergic to garlic

>falling for vampire garlic propaganda
It doesn't do much, similar to crosses and open bodies of water. We haven't had problems with these obstacles in 5 centuries

oh because vampire, ok that was pretty cute

I really, really like that vampire girl

I can't believe she got that Footlong Sub available at Subways for only FIVE dollars!

back to tumblr with you

my sister did this to me once lol

are they going to run over kira?


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>melt down cross into shotgun pellets
>blow vampires head clean off of body with shotgun
How about now fagula?

I don’t know why but I think trying to make the characters attractive weakens the comedy value.

>game has food
>subtle product placement

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shes a vampire
look at her teeth

runescape is really retarded in this aspect
>I'll fight these monsters with a bunch of lobsters inside my backpack, eat them to heal

>vampires can't be cute


>eats 6 fucking sharks

I can never see Subway and not think of that dumbass Drakes Uncharted crossover man.
that FUCKING emote holyshit.

read that post again

>Boss consumed food during fight to heal himself
>Place poisonos or rotten food next to his ressources
>He eats it, gets poisoned, lses stamina and health and even recognizes he's been poisoned

MGS3 was a fun game

do you have the body of a girl?

Runescape had a entire super quest dedicated to food. I actually never finished that fucker. it took I was like 2 or 3 quest off but couldnt be fucked to level up some of the skills needed to do it.

>eat cooked meat +50 HP
>eat rotten meat +15 HP -20 MP

Gamer fuel thread? Gamer fuel thread.

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>eat rotten food
>it still heals, but only a minimal amount
>no side effects

How the fuck are you deadly allergic to garlic and can not smell it? Even if cooked and semi-fresh you should be able to smell it. Dumb bitch

>raw food heals minimal amount
>have to gather so much fucking shit and spend time crafting that you almost starve
>after finishing your meal you basically have to already work on finding more fucking food
I wish this shit would end in survival games, who the fuck needs to eat every 5 fucking minutes outside of america?

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Recipe for Disaster. As the 100th quest, it was a sequel to the first quest they made for the game, Cook's Assistant.

>who the fuck needs to eat every 5 fucking minutes
Yeah that's stupid...
>outside of america?
OK, I audibly kek'd, well done.

you're playing the equivalent of a fucking hamster wheel, what do you expect? It's literally there to keep autists attention.

I cant see subway and not think of Spyro

I mean, she seemed to fare just fine until she was told she ate garlic. So maybe the garlic allergy is psychosomatic?

she fucks black guys

All food should include enough garlic to damage vampires
Vampires don't actually have to eat in most settings though.

If you eat enough of it, maybe they'll get repelled by your breath?