EA: Here's your 3rd party support Switch owners! That'll be 49.99 please!

EA: Here's your 3rd party support Switch owners! That'll be 49.99 please!

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>But its portable!


It‘s so pathetic. At least i‘m not actually paying for games

Honestly I don't wanna hear anyone complain "Nintendo owners don't buy 3rd party games" after the Switch considering all 3rd parties have done on Switch for the past 3 years is try to jew them with old games they've already played

i needed my 30fps racing game fix

>A 2 year old port of a remaster of a 12 year old game for almost full retail AAA price
Its like they're asking for poor sales

Thanks! I'll enjoy it :)

>Switch version
>Still no racing wheel support on other platforms

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Its 60 thankfully
Expect other issues though

>No burnout 3 and revenge ports anywhere in sight

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I haven't bought an EA game since Henry Hatsworth

wow im actually impressed
just hope it can stay up there

This, third party companies have NOBODY to blame but themselves.

Like Crash Kart that everyone circlerjerked for the past year?

You guys should read the comments EA made about Need for Speed Wii U

spoonfeed me

>EA releases NFSMW on Wii U
>actually included a bunch of new options and features along with it using the small amount of extra power the system had to up the visuals slightly
>full price $60
>EA and Criterion throw a tantrum about how it doesn't sell and Nintendo owners are mean for not buying it after the work they did

Wasn't that version also released months later and was barely advertised

and of course it's not EA's fault! it's nintendo!
everything is nintendo's fault!!

It showed up in one nintendo direct and was almost a year late if I remember

>Go on Twitter
>See zoomers blaming Nintendo and actually giving EA the benefit of the doubt

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Remember how they released a shitty port of Mass Effect 3 for $60 at launch instead of ME: Trilogy that had already released on other systems? lol

No thanks, maybe I'll pick up Grid Autosport instead.

I was never going to buy it on origin so I'm glad I can pirate it on Switch now

Th-thanks *burp* b-bbased EA! *munch*

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Cool, can't wait.

you have issues user

who doesn't? lol

Still assblasted and seething because Nintendo Switch has DOMINATED the gaming scene since launch 3 years ago. Feels good knowing how traumatised you are.

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Its going to flop any second now, any second now..... r-right guys?

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Hows that Switch emulator coming along?

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Just give me the Alice games, EA, you fuckhouses, and then shit off from the console for rhe rest of its lifespan.

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