Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game and BotW wasn't a Zelda game

Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game and BotW wasn't a Zelda game

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Twilight Princess would have been a 6.5 game when it was released if it wasn't called Zelda.

>The game that broke traditional Zelda conventions isn't a Zelda game.

You're right. BoTW ruined Zelda. Its success made sure that we'll never get anything but Skyrim clones (which was also a horribly shitty game, despite its ridiculously disproportionate success) in the future.

Nobody cares.

botw is nothing like skyrim you fucking moron

>calling literally the worst zelda game ever made the best one
I agree the BotW wasn't much of a Zelda game though

>A 40 hour adventure game, with an expansive world, multiple weapons, tons of content, high quality graphics, a high quality composed soundtrack,a coherent story, the best selling Zelda game, would not have been praised if it was not a Zelda game or made by a different developer.
Not true at all. Stop posting.

You have to understand, ever since Skyrim released, retards on here have called anything that's open-world a Skyrim clone, as if it had never been done before.

>Twilight Pricess
>best selling Zelda game

This is the schizo delusional take. In reality it would be considered a cult classic if it wasn't called zelda.

>A 40 hour adventure game
40 hours of pure ass diarrhea is not a positive thing.
>with an expansive world
Which Twilight Princess doesn't have
>multiple weapons
Real Time Weapon Changeā„¢ all over again...
>tons of content
>high quality graphics
It looks extremely dated for a game released in 2006, it doesn't help that the visual direction they took is also the worst in the entire series. Dogshit.
>a coherent story
Here's a cool villain. Btw let's make said villains personality alter 180 in a single cutscene and let's throw in the same old boring villain the last 16 game had for no reason. That constitues a coherent story for you. Congratulations.
>the best selling Zelda game
Right. Even if it was true how would that help Twilight Princess suddenly become a good game, I wonder.
>would not have been praised if it was not a Zelda game or made by a different developer.

Ahh, and here comes the retard who read fresh new buzzwords last week on Yas Forums, doesn't know what they mean but want to use them right away. Take your sub 80 IQ and go entertain someone else.

Twilight Princess is about as good as Okami.

I disagree it was actually one of the worst 3D Zeldas. Bland and boring all the way through.

>A 40 hour adventure game
What's the point if its poorly written edgy melodramtic schlock with zero good characters?
>with an expansive world
What the point of the big world if there's nothing to do in it?
>multiple weapons
What's the point if you only use them in the area you got them in?
>tons of content
What's the point of this discussion if we clearly aren't talking about Twilight Princess?
>high quality graphics
What's the point of it being top end for the previous console if it was being ported as an early low res game on their next console?
>a high quality composed soundtrack
What's the point if I forget it the second I turn the console off?
>a coherent story
What's the point if its pure shit?
>the best selling Zelda game
What's the point if sales aren't a mark of quality?

People here might consider this to be Zelda '06, but I enjoyed it back when I played it on Wii.

It's not a bad game(I mean fuck, it's got Midna), it's just the most boring 3D Zelda.

>liking midna
>liking twilight princess in general

I love this meme of a Zelda game that finally ditches the outdated OoT formula and brings the focus back to its exploration roots being called "not zelda"

Correct. You would have Okami, a game that essentially proves that the so-called classic formula can't sell if it doesn't have the zelda name attached to it.

It not that though, its missing everything else that makes Zelda.

>brings the focus back to its exploration roots

FUCK YOU. Dungeons were just as important in OG Zelda as exploration. BOTW had bland as fuck, forgettable dungeons. All the god damn bosses looked the same.

Like what?

It also had the single best 3d zelda dungeon in hyrule castle, proving that nintendo doesn't need to keep relying on shitty puzzles to make a dungeon interesting or engaging.

I love Twilight Princess because the colour palate is the closest a video game has come to a straight up Tolkien game, plus the soundtrack is absolutely top tier.

Dungeons, themes, items, good bosses, etc. It's a damn solid good base for a true Zelda game to be built off of though.
Skyloft feels more like TLOTR than anything in Twilight Princess, it may as well be the Shire in the sky

>proving that nintendo doesn't need to keep relying on shitty puzzles to make a dungeon interesting or engaging.

You're right, but that doesn't negate the fact that BOTW is padded with shitty puzzles.

The divine beasts were bland as fuck and all looked the same.

The shrines were bland as fuck and all looked the same. 20%ish percent of them were the same fucking fights over and over again.

Ganon's castle worked because it was the only thing in the game that felt like a god damn dungeon.

>Dungeons, themes, items, good bosses, etc. It's a damn solid good base for a true Zelda game to be built off of though.

Sales say otherwise buckaroo, sorry friend your Zelda is through. If BOTW ain't right for you, then series may as well be dead too.

>BOTW isn't a Zelda game
Nintendo disagrees furfag

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This is the best Zelda game of the past 17 years.

Attached: 61NfzhcOwuL._AC_SY741_[1].jpg (495x741, 51.78K)

wrong on both accounts, but whatever helps (you) sleep at night

>Why yes, BoTW, Twilight Princess and Majora's mask are the best zelda games ever made, how did you know?

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