is there anything wrong about watching another man play a video game instead of playing it yourself
Is there anything wrong about watching another man play a video game instead of playing it yourself
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Consider porn:
Is there anything wrong watching a man fucking a girl instead of fucking her yourself?
>is there anything wrong about watching another man fuck your girlfirned insteand of doing it yourself
you tell me faggot
Is this the new "ironic gay" meme?
Kill all niggers
So War Machine.
What's wrong with mutts though.
I hope you guys dont watch another man act in a movie instead of doing it yourself.
Or play a sport instead of play- who I kidding this is Yas Forums
I don't watch movies, user.
Social conservatism combined with individualism.
You can't have the cake and eat it too. Though cakes with niggers on them shouldn't be eaten or kept.
>let some jew mutilate your infant's penis for no reason
>condition your kids to love black men form a young age
No wonder you're all obsessed with BBC and interracial cuckoldry.
I'm not sure if I even want to know what the fuck is actually happening in that video
Yes it makes you a cuck
>who I kidding this is Yas Forums
we don't watch movies
that guys dick in that pick is so goood
the context is that image gets blurred when you camera move back , is crazy that so many white boys on Yas Forums are so afraid of getting cucked by a black man they believe on everything
you guys dont understand, this nigga died and they are paying respects to him
Hivemind mentality.
>for no reason
God commands it.
Without this traditional operation, the child might have pleasure from masturbation.
By the way, this is the actual reasoning that started it. Not even joking - the reason mutts jew their sons is Kellogg's idea that it will prevent masturbation.
>that guys dick in that pick is so goood
how do you know that? gays are not allowed on this thread
>plank flooring
i don't play 2007+ games
What does cereal have to do with masturbation?
single motherhood
>thinking about the american penis
obsession, the new fragrance from yurop
Imagine that tiny girl playing with a huge cock.
Kellogg thought that bland food will make people have less sex and masturbation.
Again - not joking here.
It's even on wikipedia.
>it will prevent masturbation
Yea no shit. Thats' the point of circumcision in all religions that practice it because sexual pleasure is a sin.
At least that's the excuse they use to be able to sell off your foreskin for big bucks.
At least in the USA and Israel.
Some games I'd rather not pay for; others are interesting but I'm bad at or it's nice to see Dark Souls have done to it what it's done to me.
Nothing inherently wrong, but I don't know why anyone would watch a stream that isn't a tournament or designed to be interactive with its audience (ie the circus thing a streamer did).
Neither are chads.
>point out how fucked up mutilating baby's penises is
>hurr obsessed
I know mutts lack all empathy but I'd never guess you'd hate your own children this much.
what the heck is wrong with americans?
They suffer from a collective identity crisis.
pic related is pretty relevant
It really doesn't matter the only people, who make a big deal about this are people with literally nothing else to worry about in their life.
Conservatism and religiosity.
Their destructive power enhanced by capitalism, which rewards misinforming retards.
that looks extremely painful
>physicially and mentally abusing babies
>not a big deal
I have not enough money to play all the games that i want (building a decent PC, buying consoles for it's exclusives) and i haven't ever had a girlfriend. So i have no choice, but to be fair, i don't watch full playthroughs and my premature ejaculations don't let me watch the whole porn movie.
>physically and mentally abusing babies
If that was true no one would be doing it. Truth is it doesnt matter for the majority of americans for the past XX maybe XXX years, only a few special snowflakes are bothered by it because they think the grass is greener on the other side.