Watch it outsell the original FFVII

Watch it outsell the original FFVII

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it's already bombed

Yes, I know a million sales a day is a pittance by today's standards, but it should still outsell the original if it keeps the pace up

How do you even track the originals sales? Its being sold constantly on multiple markets. Its even in your cellphone.

12.3 million worldwide across all platforms. Only 2 mill in its first week compared to FFVII's 3.5 mill (and counting)

But remake sales are only BECAUSE of love for the original.

Do you know the difference between SHIPPED and SOLD?

>SE gets a lawsuit under false advertising
>Loses all the cash they got from selling the game

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would that make a difference if MORE people end up playing FFVII:R than the original?

bombed? It's wildly successful

even if they win the lawsuit. Just having to fight something like a class actions will be counted as a loss against profits. And like movies a game usually has to make like 3X the budget to be profitable since Digital and physical distribution they lose 30% or more of sale to the platform they sold it on or more if its a physical game.

And they only shipped a lot of copies, a lot of copies are most likely held up because of the pandemic and lots of stores are not even open to sell the copies. So that is why they said SHIPPED since its not actually selling most places.

2 million sales isn't wildly successful, it's an absolute flop

They would have to sell 17 million copies of remake to beat the original game.

It's not false advertising
Time jannies were shown in the trailers
Sephiroth was shown everywhere with his black wing
Everyone kept saying that the story was gonna be changed
There is no basis for a lawsuit

Yup. And we dont know if that is actual sales since they specifically said shipped and they did not say how many sales were digital. This is why the panicked and DMCA people that showed the ending. They always planed to bait and switch everyone and hope that people would get so invested in the remake that they would let the retcons and bullshit slide.

You mean the trailers that came out the same day or the day after the game launched.

The first hype trailers did not show time jannies. They kept that shit hidden as long as possible.

the remake sales were only due to the promise of a FF7 remake. Which we didn't get. It was a RETELLING or a REIMAGINED story. The time ghosts that came in and the sequel baiting for FF7-2. I guarantee that the sequel to this whatever nomura fuck it is will not scratch the sales it has now. There's buyers remorse everywhere.

But not fucking Sephiroth
The very first piece of promotional artwork for the game was this
Notice how Sephiroth has his Advent Children wing? Notice how Sephiroth is in the image despite him not appearing in the Midgar arc of the original at all?

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Stop bootlicking. They said it was a faithful remake and it's anything but.

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I hope to God that this was such a tremendous flop that Nomura is fired, all future parts of FF7R is cancelled, and SE issues an apology.

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They never fucking did you lying bitch
>“I can’t get go into details,” Nomura said, “but this is not a simple remake. Let’s say for argument’s sake that we only pretty up the graphics for current gen hardware, I don’t think that would surpass the original version.”
>For a title like this, even if you only redo the graphics, I don’t think you get something that’s exciting.”

So, what does that mean?

“Since we now formally revealed Kazushige Nojima’s name for the scenario, there will be more plot devices in the story, so I think you can also look forward to that.”
They always said that they were gonna heavily change it, Nomura refused to talk about plot points from the original for fuck's sake

3.5 miliion

And then remakes it properly

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2.3 million, with over 1 million shipped but not sold.

Lying piece of garbage.

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Never. This is the era of streamers. Everyone already watched someone play it, multiple times even. There's no point in owning it. It's not a fps shooter/mmo.

And it's the truth
Isn't that what happens? You bomb the reactor then go home?
Most of the story is identical, it's kind of the point of a timeloop or an alternate timeline before hell breaks loose
Have you never seen one of these stories done before?
Imagine grasping at straws this hard that you can't read


There's no faith in time travelling sephiroth and ghosts.

Of course it will. This is the worst timeline and everything is shit.

It's confirmed in that FFVIIR did over 1million sales in Japan in the first 3 days.

FFXV did 726k including digital sales in the first WEEK.

Around a 40% increase in HALF the time, with a 96% sell through rate.

Also it sells for 3,000 MORE YEN then animal crossing despite this.

For reference -

01./00. [PS4] Final Fantasy VII Remake # (Square Enix) {2020.04.10} (¥8.980)
02./01. [NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons # (Nintendo) {2020.03.20} (¥5.980)
03./02. [PS4] Resident Evil 3 # (Capcom) {2020.04.03} (¥7.800)

Hail to Square Enix's new King.

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this is more pathetic than barry defending ffxv

>9k yen
What the fuck?

Cope friend. 40% increase in HALF the time. Try to show otherwise.

Quality tax. But definitely what everyone is sleeping on. FFVIIR is MUCH more expensive then AC.

Oh right - so this new series is wholly intended to be better than the original?

Continue lying to get your next spiky-haired dopamine fix, you drooling child

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Imagine someone arguing this hard using this sentiment for the 2001 Planet of the Apes remake.

>Well an astronaut DOES get sent through time to an alien world overrun by intelligent primates that happens to be Earth in the future so they didnt lie!
