Why are devs making women in games ugly? The star wars eye popping lady also comes to mind

Why are devs making women in games ugly? The star wars eye popping lady also comes to mind.

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women fear competition

Because straight men are offensive.

games are looking more and more realistic
it just means you're gay and you actually dislike females



Why bitch about this? Just don’t buy the game. If it’s such a deal breaker then the game wasn’t worth much to you to begin with.

They want to pander to casuals.

f o r t y - o n e p e r c e n t

>le tranny lover !1!1!11!

its always this one exact frame where shes pulling a face

I just farted


she doesnt even look like that in game

Holding this opinion as a straight male is the equivalent of being a dumb bimbo who only wants to watch a movie if it's got hot guys to gawk at. Exercise some discipline and demonstrate some taste, do you really have to care about how attractive CG models of women are in your entertainment? Your ancestors lived and died to produce someone who gives a shit about this, you can be better than that.

no thanks


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Because women are cunts and the idea of a more attractive woman on screen makes them lose their shit.

My entire life I've been able to crack any type of joke with an attractive girl and never get lectured or screamed at for not respecting her PTSD, OCD, ADHD, Schizophrenia, tummy ache, mental illness, etc.

It's always the fat ugly bitches with daddy issues that get angry over everything. Movies and tv lied to me. The attractive girls are the fun ones.

if my ancestors didn't fight for cute little girls in videogames they aren't my ancestors

>Yas Forums makes 500 replies threads discussing Jazz show
Is Yas Forums so far gone if troon show so popular there?

jarred is looking so sexy

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Man the harpoons.

I demonstrate my taste by shitting on goblinas and pirating their games. You low standards having faggot.

Why did you write "wrong" while posting a picture that proves him right?

have you ever gone outside

>he didn’t get a single reply in the other thread with his bait image
>proceeds to make a thread with it

>Yas Forums
they're completely insane

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She was made quite ugly for whatever reason and this has never seemed to be an issue before. Not only that but she didn't act like her normal character too. It was a Demake not a Remake.


Attractive women are just a social construct created by men. Women have infiltrated the gaming and tech sectors and bring feminism and its demand for everything to be brought down to an 'attainable' level. Western games are no longer about the fantastic and instead are being made as a close to real life because casuals and normies are turned off by the fantastic and prefer games that mirror reality television.

My ancestors wrote nude women and porn on clay pots and statues so fuck off.

why did you quote only my posts?

You'll never be a woman

Women have for decades been lowering the bar in the entertainment industry to appeal to all the unattractive women out there. So now ugly unironically becomes beautiful. Then they'll sit their and praise it then shame anyone who doesn't agree.

stop doxing me

Whatever model will whore themselves out for a cheap buck and be instantly accessible will always been desired to a company making games with this kind of focus though.

Just be thankful your Voth fake crush existed to begin with like a big boy.

Ah yes user, you're talking to the same person. Smell that desperation and denial.

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doesn't even make sense. who are you referring to? you can't just throw phrases around dipshit

Why there are zero to none nigger trannies?

Technology for face modeling is garbage. Look at Senua. Her face model is cute as fuck, and yet she's kind of a goblin.

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Thanks dad! However how about we leave constructive feed back so that by chance it doesn't happen again! No one told them anyone wanted to see Jill ran over by a greyhound bus. You sillygoose!

huh there are tons of them, don't you watch tv?


The woman who modeled her isn't exactly attractive to begin with.


Jill looks cute with a big happy smile in the kitchen!!

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You tranny obsessed freaks are the real cringe

nooo my totally three dimensional character her personality was RUINED

>Her face model is cute as fuck

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>how come not everything is animu man
