We're home, portalbros

We're home, portalbros.

Attached: F-stop.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

Other urls found in this thread:



As based of absolutely nothing.

Attached: fstop comparison.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

Does the game work?

Just barely. Loads of assets missing and you must load the maps one by one in the console commands

It's not a game, it's a restoration based on a few media files that we have. We still know absolutely nothing about the gameplay, and people who claim they do are lying.

What exactly am I looking at? What's going on

It's not from the exposure dudes. It's a legit source code leak from volvo themselves.
It's the very early Portal 2 concept.

Attached: 2.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

Oh shit is this happening

i have played it and holy shit dont bother playing it

anyone have the link to the code still? i heard it got taken down.


There's a magnet and a Mega from last thread. Try whichever works now.

Alright fags this better be some good dolphin porn

>actual leaks
So does that mean we actually know what F-Stop's gameplay is now? Honestly don't know why no one at valve didn't make a portal spin-off using it. Would've been better than them having their fingers in their asses for the past decade.

Didn't fit into a VR game somehow, or so I've heard.

Someone post the gameplay gimmick while I download

the mega link worked didnt check the magnet one

it's been known for a little while

The entire gimmick was that you could take photos of stuff and hold them with you in photos and then redeploy them somewhere in the map to pass puzzles. Like, a box can't fit through a wall so you can put it on a button, so you take a pic of it and redeploy it on the button.
Plus you can scale it up/ down, fuck with perspective.
You click left mouse button to take a pic, 2 to hold the printed photo and left click, then right click to drop it
If you've played superliminal, it's pretty similar. Now this is either a coincidence, or someone had inside knowledge

what is this?

Apparently source code leak for very recent builds of TF2 and CSGO plus a whole lot of other shit

It literally says in the archive
"fstop-src-master and svn-master are both related to the fstop mod that's been around for a couple of years. contains a lot of content created by Lever Softworks using inspiration and real knowledge of how the game acts and plays.
There's like 70 different iterations of the same thing with minor tweaking but this was the most recent one laying around on the server. Very strange and can be improved on by whoever wants to continue it. Boom!

Enjoy! - user"

Can someone give me the rundown?
All I know is that F stop is canned version of portal.

How would I go about compiling something like this? Does it still use steam drm/require steam?

user. It says they are related to it. It's what those modders used to base their mod off.
Why would a fan created mod be on valve's servers? Think

>contains a lot of content created by Lever Softworks using inspiration and real knowledge of how the game acts and plays.

Where the fuck does it says that it was on Valve's network? It's just a bunch of files that user gathered over the years and uploaded. He literally states that this is, in fact, the fan mod that tries to recreate f-stop based on almost nothing, inventing ideas. Like I said in my first reply.

Is the music on it, for example, OG valve created or fanmade?

All of that is a fan-made recreation that was made completely independently of Valve.