>try a game that has overwhelmingly positive reviews by fans
>it's shit
What was it Yas Forums?
Try a game that has overwhelmingly positive reviews by fans
persona 3
rpgs suck
dark souls
Hollow knight
every single one
I'm really not a fan of darkest dungeon. It's just a long grind from start to finish.
>video games are shit
What are you implying?
um, sweetie... get good.
Hollow knight
Owl boy
Eh, pretty much any 2d platform indie.
deadspace 1
Oh good. I was going to try this genre so thanks for the warning.
>starting a sentence with "eh" or "meh"
Literal redditspeak, fuck off.
Maybe he's Canadian.
almost any pokemon game
Eh, I use it if I want.
Yakuza games
F.E.A.R. and Dead Space
Supreme Commander
Binding of Isaac.
all MGS i tried
Bioshock infinite
Witcher 3.
>game constantly hyped up as the smartest, most challenging isometric RPG of the last ten years
>always been a big fan of the genre, so I download it
>first quest is a repeating sequence of talking to someone, choosing the obvious dialogue option, and being told to talk to someone else until the quest completes
>go looking for more interesting content
>talk to someone ranting on a soapbox
>start getting dialogue choices out of nowhere telling him to go talk to someone I don't know in a place I don't remember visiting about some opportunity I've never heard of
>stop playing
I guess I wasn't smart enough for it.
Was about to post this
fuck that game
Except unironically you arent. The entire point of the game is to dive into the lore and learn about the world around you. You arent even talking to anyone important in the first twenty minutes because you're a nobody. Sorry it wasnt trying to wow you in the first twenty minutes, brainlet.
I don't need to get power armour and kill a deathclaw in the first twenty minutes of the game, but it should provide a preview of what the game will be like. Getting out of the cave and into Shady Sands in the original Fallout didn't allow me to do anything more spectacular than kill rats or tell farmers about crop rotation, but it still hooked me in because the dialogue gave me room to stretch my arms as a character and, more importantly, the people I talked to had some actual humanity to them. Everyone I talked to in the first town of AoD was a zero-dimensional tool for completing quests or collecting resources. Half of them couldn't even pretend to have a veneer or personality. I was also annoyed how smug AoD was about not being like other girls, but its first quest was nothing more than a direction following simulator with no intelligent thought on my part.
How far do I have to get into the game before the point where the creators started trying?
literally the worst "game" I've ever played
Icaruga (I think that's the name don't remember) that bullet hell with the flipping space ship. Liked Enter the Gungeon. Thought I'd try a game in the genre I heard was good. Generally not the biggest fan.
Hey I was going to download this now because it looked so beautiful. What's the problem?