Why aren't handheld PCs more mainstream?

Attached: Sony-PlayStation-5-GPD-Win-2-Max-0.jpg (1500x1000, 149.19K)

because I have a phone

Thermal and power budgets

But laptops are very mainstream.

UMPCs never took off and it's a darn shame, really. I like the idea more than smart phones.

they have a terrible price/performance ratio, iirc one of those models struggles to run the witcher 3 while costing $1000+

>that filename

because if you want pc on the go, laptop makes most sense

>very small form factor means more heat and less battery life
>Very few cpu on the market can fit the portable size requirements and powerful enough to run recent games on an acceptable levels
>More niche than a gayming laptop
>Many PC games requires a mouse and keyboard.

It's like actively gimping yourself just to make pc games portable but at the same price of a decent laptop.

I can't even figure out why so many people have gaming laptops. This seems even gayer.

At least some of the time it's probably wanting to play games but being on the move a lot, like maybe you're in college and go back and forth between home and your dorms or some shit and don't want to lug around a PC.

But I bet at least a good 50% are just totally tech illiterate and think laptops are better because they're more modern or some shit, the kind of people who will look at an advert and say "well this laptop has an i5, that's the same as that desktop, I guess it must be as good."

They're also almost as expensive as regular laptop with better specs

Just wish there was a way to emulate windows titles on android. There are plenty of phones out there with active cooling, and solid performance.

I'm probably buying a GPD Win Max when that shit comes out.


just get a laptop lol

>Y and A have the colors swapped
For what reason?

Attached: 1518625109942.jpg (719x949, 145.74K)

>filth under fingernails
>they need to be clipped too
also raspberry pi


Because when an adult leaves the house it's due to the fact that they have important tasks to get done. Simply put, they are too busy to be playing games.

you can't copyright colors. I see third party controllers with xbox button colors all the damn time.

If you can't spend a few hours away from your PC without having withdrawal symptoms you have a problem.

I'm just waiting for a product that doesn't look like a prototype. A portable gaming PC wouldn't be for playing AAA, I need for for the 100 indie games that I want to play while taking a shit.

Holy shit nu Yas Forums is filled with the dumbest fucking zoomers

then i don't know
maybe the creator didn't like the colors that way or something

that ain't zoomer, that is viral marketing
just a tip newfriend.

Me too user. Being able to play emulated games all the way up to and including Gamecube and PS2 will be grand (even if PCSX2 is a bit of a bother).

I already have a monstrous gaming PC but having some of the lighter games on the gos would be great. Even better if I can shit out a quick email or something for work on it.

There are memes and laptops exists.
The laptop market is pushing towards cheaper models which is why chromebooks are starting to surge. People are spending 400 dollars max on a laptop now on average if they are in the market for one.

I just want one portable PS2 emulator.

Being able to fill a small 8-10 inch laptop with cool ROMs and emulators as well as some indie/single-A games would be swell. The Win Max might be the perfect device for that but I haven't looked it up in 3 months so I don't know much about it.

I would want something that's bigger than the Win 2 though, as the screen is just a few inches too small for my blind ass to read text comfortably.

I have the gpd 1, it's picking up dust for the most part but I have used it as a backup PC when my desktop shits the bed or take it with me when I don't want to lug a laptop around.
The small form factor has its uses and I prefer typing on a membrane keyboard over capacitive touch on smartphone anyday.
I like the clam shell design and battery life you can just lay down lazily in bed and place it on your chest to watch stuff. Too bad the bezels are too huge so much wasted space that could've fitted a larger display.
For emulating consoles it was decent but only up to the PS1 but a little heavy for prolonged use due to the weight of the heatsink.
The GPD2 is too expensive to be worthwhile as a PS2 emulator and even then it struggles.
I like the idea of a UMPC with built in controllers but the hardware is just not good enough for anything serious.

I think I would prefer having a similar sized clamshell enclosure containing the controller+keyboard that you just slide a high end phone into instead, it's a more cost effective solution due to amortization and the vast amount of options available. Most phones have little to no bezzel these days but relying solely on capacitive touch for input sucks.
Android would be good enough for emulating some consoles, watching videos, and browsing the web which is what I mostly do on a portable device.
If a windows ARM port has good enough x86/64 emulation to play a large collection of older titles that would increase its appeal.
If they become powerful enough to render to AR glasses then all the better, you won't even need the screen part just the keyboard/controller part and can view content without straining your neck.

It has a marginally higher options of a high end cellphone. Compare to chromcast and streaming over the net, its more expensive. It requires grip extensions, a mobile gamepad accessory, to avoid developing chronic cramps from prolonged overuse which adds to the cost. You'll know what I mean after you use a handheld for a month or so on a daily basis.

Why not get a phone with a snapdragon 865 then? Those can emulate up to Gamecube/Wii as well and start at 600 dollar.

Honestly they are very niche
Imagine just not getting a phone which everyone has and getting a gamepad.
Imagine not getting a laptop for gaming.
Nothing have better performance for cheaper you bet who wins

Yeah but those lack that sweet sweet physical controller.

Of course if Sony ever realized there was a marked for a sequel to pic related I would buy it in a heartbeat and use it until the controller broke. That being said it'd probably have to be quite big, but yeah I would rather have that than portable gaming PC as I pretty much bring my phone everywhere.

Seriously Sony, what the fuck are you doing?

Attached: 1573031869213.jpg (360x240, 22.96K)

my all time favorite gaming device. Played KoF2k2 for probably thousands of hours on it

because they;re like having a portable 'gaming' laptop back in the ealies 00s
shit battery and performance
come back when they have at least 1070Max-Q performance