How's your streaming going Yas Forums?

Attached: K-ZDJZli_400x400.jpg (400x400, 6.88K)

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my laptop is too weak for streaming :(

I'm live on chaturbate right now

i havent had a stable upstream ever, no streaming, not even privately for friends

Attached: loving couple.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

Attached: ice cream.jpg (600x800, 61.54K)

hey its the cancer that ruined avgn


Tfw I found out he created avgn

I play games for myself. Not for the enjoyment of others.

technically this is true if you consider this

Attached: AVGN-Pilot-Episode-0.jpg (480x360, 17.67K)

I deleted both yt and twitch channels

Attached: 1542820502956.png (465x357, 159.88K)

He has a big dick

yeaaaa right, "streaming"

Attached: 1587552367800s.jpg (250x250, 12.94K)

How do I stream from a PS3?

I need to know about this. No homo

I recorded myself playing vidya once and tried to do a commentary. It was cringy and sounded forced as fuck. I also got surgery for my nose afterwards because it was nasal as fuck. So I guess it was worth it after all because I probably wouldn't have gotten my septum fixed if not for my 'streaming' attempt.

Go here

Why are we not gaming the system to help each other get free money???

Its pretty good. I stream 2 days a week to a small but pretty cool fanbase. Been feeling better about it recently because I've been enjoying the games.

You know she's had the knot.

I feel bad for what happened to him yesterday

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What happened?

Why do women love getting fucked by dogs?

I don't. I don't specialize enough in a game to put any good gameplay into it and no one will watch.

"steaming" more like

Dogs can have proportionally huge dicks compared to their size. Also they won't tell other humans how much of a slut the girl actually is.

Because I only have a PS4 since my laptop died, and I can't see there being any success in streaming from ps4

The scrim team he's been playing with on Valorant for the past week kicked him out and ditched him I think

His girlfriend dumped him on stream

He fucking died. RIP big guy

cat can't stand this bullshit anymore

Attached: cat.jpg (365x357, 37.84K)

going good but she barely lets me on camera
got to leave now

Attached: me on the right.webm (1008x480, 2.88M)