ITT: Infamous Weapons

Attached: Aek971.png (512x308, 66.02K)

Is that a FAMAS?

No you sperg it's clearly an M16

Literally FAL, you noguns.

Fucking retards, it's obviously a SCAR-H

It's an AEK-971 you retards it says it right there in the filename. fucking new fags

It's in the filename retards
it's an AS VAL

>this fucking guy just called someone a newfag

Fucking coomers, it's an SVD. Learn to read the fucking filename.

Prototype FAMAS from the french cold war, idiots.

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that's just the image code you fucking retard. it's clearly an ak47

ackchually its an AKM

absolute cringe

Now the AWP from unreal is the REAL infamous gun

Attached: Tula-Civilian-VSS-Vintorez-1-660x340.jpg (660x340, 23.21K)

>can't read a filename
>calls me the new fag
lmaoing at your life

>can't read the metadata
it's an AK74.

Nice Glock!

>Can't read the room
What's it like to be actually socially autistic?

The Megawatt Hammer is a powerful ability in Infamous, acquired during "Playing Hero." It allows Cole to fire rocket-like electrical blasts. It can be critical in clearing entrenched enemies and turrets.

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>reading the room
normalfaggot out

It's clearly an M1911

Attached: 1284676240174.jpg (209x256, 40.56K)

nah man that's a g11

what's it like to the only guy to fall for the bait

>I was just pretending to be retarded!

Guys, it's the FN F2000 from medal of honor: pacific assault. You can clearly see that the magazine is placed behind the trigger.

thats a clip you retard

I don't even know what the fuck is going on here

It's a G11 you newfag

You know, a belt feed firearm is pretty easy to identify your spergs.

It's clearly a P90

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