Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Xenoblade is for gigachads

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for manchildren

Cope more

glad im not a gigachad

I'm sure I remember there being a datamine that showed a hard mode below bring of chaos but google doesnt provide what I'm looking for. Does anyone else remember that or did I dream it?

I didnt know Nomura worked on Torna what the hell

BASED! THE best jrpg ever made

That's pretty much true. BUT ultrachads play XC2 on their kickass 75" OLED.

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>Xenoblade is for gigachads

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Mostly because it practically fucking implodes the resolution in portable mode.

To be fair, I really don't see the point of playing that kind of game, offering a grand adventure and lots of vistas to explore, in portable mode. Same way I never was able to play BotW in the Switch's tiny ass screen, it's unplayable. It's the equivalent of watching a Hollywodian full blown action movie on a smartphone screen or on a plane flight. Or going to a sports match with either a blindfold or earplugs.
Playing such games when you're on the go for a few hours so you can progress your playthrough a little bit, sure, I do it and the Switch is awesome for that, but playing 100% in handled mode is beyond me. I can understand doing it for games like Animal Crossing, or Ace Attorney, and many other, but not for XC2, XC1DE soon, BotW, Astral Chain, etc.

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Screen size doesn't affect gameplay and graphics don't matter.


The only times I looked around at the "vistas" in XC2 were in annoyance with the quest location tracking system.

>Screen size doesn't affect gameplay
I'm sure as shit play better on my bigass screen at Splatoon 2 than on the Switch's tiny ass screen. There's a reason contests/tourneyfaggotry are held on TVs, each player having his own, rather than on the Switch screen
>and graphics don't matter
True. But then, why the fuck is anyone always sperging about XC2's graphics on handled mode.

Not every game is a competitive multiplayer experience. Games with lower stakes (i.e. games where your epeen doesn't shrink when you lose) are easy to enjoy on the handheld screen.

Blocks your path

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>chuuni dating sim


I think Rune Factory is better for wish fulfillment because it lets me marry the girl I like
Also Xenoblade is a different game entirely so fuck you for trying to get a gay consolewar or fanbase war going between 2 JRPGchad groups

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Imagine thinking consooming makes you a chad.

im not paying full price for it tho

>embarassing cringe weebo shit
Pick one and only one neckbeards

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>user from Yas Forums
Opinion discarded

I didn't present an opinion, you dumb faggot.

Actually I'll pick both

Wow, people are still upset over this scene 3 years later.

It's so toxic to talk about XC2 anywhere.
Can't talk on sites outside Yas Forums because they've deluded themselves thinking XC1 was superior because it didn't use present day anime tropes.
Can't talk on Yas Forums because of seething idiots who haven't played the game and just have an axe to grind.
I love all iterations of Xenoblade but I'm going to go nuclear if XCDE doesn't knock XC2 sales out of the park. XC2 gave Monolith the money to expand and make XCDE with care but the way people talk about it is like Metroid Other M tier.

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XB2 was on my backlog for a very long time. I finally got around to it thanks to the quarantine and I'm really digging it. I'm at Chapter 5 in Rex's home village.

Nice to hear you're enjoying it. Are you planning on getting XCDE?

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I also took this opportunity offered by the quarantine to finally play it, it's been on the shelves for years because of what I read, and god I'm never listening to Yas Forums ever again. The battle system finally clicked with me after a certain point and I'm having a blast. Also thanks whoever did those newfag pastas and to the anons that helped me when I asked about some explanations over the system.

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I do, actually. Assuming I have the money.

On Yas Forums there's just two guys waging an autistic war against the world, don't pay attention to their false flagging.
On the more casual sites don't pay too much attention. Gaming is at a point where people find the idea of being a "hardcore gamur" cool. Those people don't own a Switch, and they definitely don't want to spend all that money, so they've been shitting on everything Nintendo has released since they had the gall to become relevant again three years ago. Those people were never interested anyway.

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I'll take your advice then. It does seem like people who keep raging outside of Yas Forums either only seen a stream of the game or absorbed information through osmosis and used that to war against the big evil tiddy.

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Post your 1RM benchpress and max pull-ups from a dead hang right now you faggots
>inb4 "I replied to everyone, what now"
doesn't change my question

JRPGs are for ninny faggots and calling yourselves chads when you either weigh 280 or 130lbs makes me want to beat the shit out of you