Give it to me straight lads, is MtG worth getting into?
Give it to me straight lads, is MtG worth getting into?
for the memes
Only if you play Pauper.
It never was, and now is the worst time to get into it.
>buying cardboard during the chink plague
if you meant mtg arena then still no, you have to fight hordes of autists who dump money into it to have the most anti-fun blue nigger decks imagineable.
underage and adult loser neets have no disposable income so the answers you will get are no
A new set just got released called Ikoria: Lair of the Behemoths. It's inspired by Godzilla and its movies, and you can earn or buy alternate art cards with Godzilla monsters on them instead of their original artwork. Some of the new cards are going to be very helpful in competitive M:TG, and they have a certain appeal to new players as well.
Getting into M:TG isn't as bad as what other people make it out to be. If you're playing online then it's easy: download the M:TG Arena client, make an account, and start learning from there. However, if you're looking to get into paper M:TG then you're going to have an issue with cost + COVID 19. I would suggest giving it a try through Arena first.
People are going to tell you what you should build, how you should play, etc. The truth is is the best way to play M:TG is to do it your way and to figure it out on your own. Most people don't know how to have fun with M:TG, which is why they're irate and discourage new players from joining. I think if you give it a shot and try learning it in your own then you'll enjoy it much more.
If you want feel free to ask me any questions.
>It's inspired by Godzilla and its movies
you mean bestiality
absolutely fucking not
all card games suck and it all started with mtg whcih popularized the original lootbox
it's all a scam
>gameplay with 30 years that its still unbeaten
>last few years it has been invaded by SJWs that attack everything, including long time artists of the game
>art is crap now.. well not all but most its just digital matte painting with low quality
>lore and art includes fatties, trannies, gays, women dressed like muslims from head to toe, anti-trump, etc etc
a real shame because i loved the game, but they had to make it about politics instead of leaving it as the awesome escapist game it was
It's the most p2w card game in the world.
Download the cockatrice client and play it for free with every card ever printed. Trust me. Just play edh with your friends and you'll have a good time.
fuck jace
and fuck control
and fuck blue players
>there are shattered pieces of the capture sphere in cathartic reunion
Absolutely not. Paper or Digital, it’s the most vicious money-grubbing skinner box out there. MTGA especially is a greedy fucking scam machine designed to coerce you into spending 100s of dollars.
And don’t listen to the fags that try to insist “I just use one deck bro.” The game is NOT fun. Take it from someone who spent 700$ on MTGA during Throne of Eldraine to try out all the cards and top decks in standard at that time, and dropped it after realizing my initial invested would mean fuck all with the new set as there is NO WAY to get 4 of every rare in F2P. You HAVE TO spend real money if you want competitive decks. And worst of all, the game is NOT FUN. Winning or losing relies more on matchups, praying to RNG god you draw a great openings hand AND don’t get mana fucked. No matter the deck you’re playing, it’s always the same. You’re reliant on making sure you draw the best possible hand to get your combo going. Literally, like 90% of the games will be determined by luck alone, and 10% by actual skill and strategy. 90% of the time, once you learn how to play well, if you lost it’s cause you’re opponent had a better hand than you and didn’t get mana fucked. And 90% of the time that you win is cause you drew into your combo on perfect curve and your opponent got mana fucked. The whole game basically boils down to who can fire off their combo first, and that’s basically determined by your opening hand and first few turns.
MTGA is especially bad at this cause it will rig the matches, AND it will rig your RNG draws based on your performance (to make it harder to grind for F2P resources).
Save yourself the trouble and don’t bother with this garbage. If really MUST play it. Then buy a booster box, and play kitchen counter with some friends, building a deck out of a pool of cards. Competitive Magic, and ESPECIALLY Standard is fucking garbage run by greedy kikes. 700$ on hookers is money better spent than MtGA.
Probably the best card game ever made just way too expensive to get into and play reliably. Which is a shame
>Download the cockatrice client and play it for free with every card ever printed.
Holy shit I didn't know about that thanks user
t. have been playing for 4+ years
MtG “gameplay” is trash. The mana system is atrocious.
Imagine having to pay for the chance to get a game piece as a store owner.
>MtG “gameplay” is trash
Pretty much.
Wtf. Link? Sounds like a good story
>The mana system is atrocious
maybe on your decks it is, you just need to get better
>gameplay is trash
maybe card games aren't for you? MtG stack mechanics and he countless interactions it provides combined with the thousands of cards already just puts any other card game to shame.
also theres like 60 different card mechanics? or even more
also theres like 10 different card times (permanents and non-permanents) makes it the most unique card game in the world, unless you only play net decks
>t. retard who plays net decks but still loses and wonders why
MtG gets away with being garbage because it’s the oldest and basically invented the genre. So people mistakenly label it as “good” or “the best”, but objective speaking, it’s far from it. Mechanically, it’s horribly designed.
>not as bad
>using godzilla
Their ideas are dead then.
It's pay to win (not memeing) and you must invest hours and a lot of money in it.
YuGiOh is better than MtG. Let that sink in for a moment.
its fun but too pricey. Its just paper card.
>YuGiOh is better than MtG
define better
>Let that sink in for a moment
you have to go back
Game is too expensive to be worth getting into.
Have you never hung out at any comic book shop? Store owners crack a bunch of packs just to resell stuff later. They might buy singles as well from other vendors or customers, but those are also cracked from packs. There's no singles distribution from Wizards outside of some dumbshit "Anniversary Destruction" whatever collection and even those aren't 'singles'.
It doesn’t have a shitty mana system that will win or lose matches for you by drawing useless cards, or not having enough mana when you need to.
EDH is last good thing about Magic.
Bro I love MtG but there's a reason no successful game in the last 20 years has copied lands as a resource system.
It's fundamentally a flawed model that adds a fucking ton of unfun variance where a certain percent of your games will be straight lost purely because of mana screw or flood no matter how good your deckbuilding ability is. If it were not an essential part of the games' design from which everything else flowed it'd have been cut for being anti-fun like mana burn and countless other stuff was.
But we're stuck with it and just have to try alleviate the issue the best we can.
EDH ruined magic
If you have a bunch of friends to play with, sure go ahead, just make up some dumb rule like that none of you go overboard on spending.
I've been playing since Fallen Empires and I think the game has evolved a bit away from me. I often catch myself asking "Why did they even print this?" like Oko or the Nu Emrakul when it was released. It feels kind of like they always print a sacrificial lamb, that is op and will be banned instantly, just to get the nerds excited about the powerlevel.
I also have the feeling that Wizards kind of doesn't know what it's doing right now. They went from
>big set +2 small expansions
>2 big sets
>we don't need core sets no more
>Whoops we do need core sets to reprint staples
>only one big set now
And what we have now feels like they are kind of crippling what they can do when they revisit a plane. I felt this was a big issue with Theros as they couldn't go too much into the individual gods and it greatly limited the amount of previous Theros abilities and new abilities they could pack into the set.
No. It spawned a bunch of whiners and now we have cards that pander to that format and makes sets even more diluted.
The lack of any resource at all makes it retarded garbage. Mtg's Mana is pretty shit as a resource too I agre
I’m not saying YuGiOh is good. Cause it’s not. I’m saying it’s better than MtG, cause it is.
They recently added "companions" (commanders) to non-edh formats and it's pretty much ruined everything
MtG gameplay is fundamentally flawed and shit.
it's the best game ever, at least the Eternal formats
Or is it because there's barely any fun decks to play in sanctioned formats, many matchups come down to simple luck of having counterplay, and gameplay rarely allows you to make cretive plays and get rewarded for reads?
And that's not even tpuching on the ever growing problems of bloated mechanics and power creep.
And let’s not forget. SJW nonsense.
how the fuck have companions ruined anything
they seem useless due to the building restrictions, am i dumb?
Possibly the worst format.
That's not the system now, the system now is 1 core set + 3 flex slots per year. They're doing a bunch of 1-of visits to planes to experiment with a lot of things quickly but at any point in the future they could drop two-set blocks or a three-set one on us.
>last few years it has been invaded by SJWs
>last few years
One of Magic's first major characters was a black woman.
Oh, and game-deciding RNG. I've played this game for a long time, and sometimes still do, but it really is not worth getting into. Get into fighting games instead.
>Starting and max hand size reduction
Well, double mana is pretty sweet.