
What's the final veredict on valorant?
Just a worse CSGO?

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>Just a worse CSGO?
Not just that, it's worse everything

I swear there's an Apex waifu who looks just like this

I haven't played it, my phone isn't strong enough to run it I don't think

It is not pornable like Overwatch. Hard pass.

Is this a new meme or just an ESL chimp trying to communicate?


Its like they tried to make a game that is 90% csgo 10% OW and they failed at both

>Already porn
Finally, I was getting bored to fap to the same shit everytime.

Chink spyware.

>64 tick servers and 100+ for competitive
I want to try it just for this. Just to see if I still get shot around a corner before I even see the guy.

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its literally a chink rootkit

>veins on tiddy

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>puffy pussy
>anus peeking out

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Theres extremely heavy wallbang so usually you get killed before youre even through the door.

its not quake or unreal so i don't care about it.
the rootkit makes me worried for the fighting game though.

you realize typos are a thing, right?

But is coffee good for ourselves?

I watched about 2 minutes to see what all the fuss is about. I wouldn't even wanna play this game if they paid me too, jesus christ. But it showed me (and people in the gaymin industry) that you can stir up quite a lot of noise with this type of limited access and how to distribute beta keys with Twitch. This was ground zero like bethesda horse armor, expect to see this in the future.. a lot.

I've seen it a couple of times now in the span of a few days. That's why I think it's either the same monkey typing it or some new meme. Probably the former.

This. At least overkek has some nice asses.

Probably not. Doesn't stop me from drinking a litre a day.

How the fuck could she wear that without it slipping into the slitty?

Same interests and worries.
I only played CS once in a while because some of my friends preferred it.

Might've started with Apex Legends. They threw lots of money around to streamers when that first came out. Even when the streamers were getting record numbers, it helped their advertising.

A typo would be someone typing vetdict because the t key is next to the r. Adding an extra letter is a sign of ignorance.

Maybe hes latinamerican, since in spanish it is "veredicto"

>typos are only pushing a different button and not pushing two buttons at once
Amerifat fingers push 3 to 4 buttons at a time.

Chinese cumbait

Pressing a key more than once also counts as a typo, and it happens a lot

u are gay

skipping this disaster
has some sort of spyware bundle

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