Monster Hunter

Less than 24 hours left to get payback on this bitch for not dropping the fucking weapons i wanted.

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Why are there so many fucking nude/jiggle physics mods for this game? More than half the cosmetic mods are just titty mods

That's the case with almost any game with female characters, MH has a lot of skimpy armor as well so it's no wonder its a magnet for these kind of mods.
Patch notes for today's update are out
>Evasion and Attack 5 charms added
I can finally get EW5 from a single charm, that's cool.

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They should just give Attack Boost a full 7 levels charm
It's meaningless at this point.

The usefulness of attack up stops at 4, so that's kinda pointless. Unless they buff it.

Earplugs 5 fucking when

I hate how most hub themes are just not chill at all.

>its just another siege event that will take 20minutes with no way to speed it up
>will probbaly have to be completed twice just like Safi, making each run 40+ minutes

If Alatreon is made into a siege too I'll probably just kill myself.

Attached: kacho.jpg (719x405, 75.27K)

The patch announcement says it's just a regular event quest now. As in, not a siege, just a hunt.

They said it's a regular slay quest already, the siege system is gone from the fight along with the first phase.

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>French player enters hub and picks quest for some reason despite us having active one already
>so no one picks his
>he leaves
Maybe sos signal and killing hub rooms wasn't such bad idea after all..

>Guardian layered

Hub rooms are trash and i'm angry i have to deal with them for sieges
Just allow us to SOS sieges

Just remove sieges. It's not like anyone would miss them.

finally some fucking good news, the siege mechanic sucks most of the time, the last time i had fun on one was with fucking jhen moran and i was like 16 years old, who has time for a 40min+ fight anymore

Regular quest. You upgrade you kulve equip with MR materials.
Let's hope the weapons get true ele crit on them so we can finally get rid of silver rath.

But will nu-Kulve drop emperor nuggets?

True Critical Element is probably being saved for Alatreon.

Or at least I hope so. Cause I don't want to fucking RNG hunt for the remaining Kjarr weapons.

Anyone have the tips for fighting silvos with LS?

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Pick a better weapon

use hammer and smash his head til it dies

Pick a better monster

True Crit Ele would be a bit busted but i'm sure they'll get a big boost to element

Capcom really shouldn't be such shits about not letting you rejoin quests when disconnects are this frequent.

any non-fag advices?

Even if it's attack 7 charm, agitator 5 is still more efficient slot-wise.

weaken the tail
hit the tail
cut the tail
weaken the head
cut the head

>hit the monster
I asked for non-fag advice...

Pick a better question

He won't drop them still.

it's fucked up how powerful you can get
agitator is trash compared to attack boost, anyone with more than 2 braincells knows that


I don’t get it though, like you’re third person so it’s not like your gonna see them that often at all when fighting a monster, like is like the second life of thing of a niche of a niche of a niche, etc. with rule34, gaming girls, sfm, dress up, all intersecting to give the kind of autist that uses these mods?

I can give the detailed inctructions on how to fight certain monsters with LS.
It just shows that you're not good with the weapon

>someone made a mod for the buff body armor so that it properly matches to your skin color
>only did it for the female armor and expressly said they have no plans to do it for the male armor
guys got gypped in the mod department, for sure


Well what's the problem? Siver Rath isn't complicated, just fucking hit it and don't get hit

>Attack 7 is 21 raw and 5 affinity
>Agi 7 is 28 raw and 20 affinity
Hmm, I wonder which number is bigger.

Attached: 1581778874529.png (303x545, 142.21K)

>Attack +28 & Affinity +20% VS. Attack +21 & Affinity +5%

Attached: q4h26.jpg (1941x1846, 153.8K)

the problem that with LS you really want to hit counters and he's flying 80% of the fight.

>break both wings
>he still won't touch the fucking ground for more than two seconds

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that's why you break the head and tail instead

maybe you need to read the description of both skills and not just look at the numbers?
I know it's hard when you have the IQ of a bug, but at least try

I really wish that breaking parts had a more significant effect in most monster fights. I know there's a few where it does, but you'd think they'd do that for more of em.

Arch Tempered Namielle is coming on May 1.

Agitator has essentially 100% uptime unless you are literally retarded.

like Agitator isn't active all the damn time on Master Rank

Attack Boost is always on, sure, but it's also piss-easy to enrage a monster, especially now that we have the clutch claw. And considering that you can very easily get to Agi7 now you practically have no excuse.

Play the game retard. You can force enrage to be up like 95% of the whole hunt.

Which weapon is better in gu, 180 damage and white sharpness or 220, but green?

>he doesnt slot in Agi7 and attack 7

Attached: Hmmmmmm.png (1000x995, 782.96K)

That's just how it be sometimes, with mods a lot of the cool armors are male only while the sexy ones are female.

>almost all the time
it was not that hard, good job retards
Now fuck off

I will once the gods decide to bless me with some Crit/Vit or Attack4 decos.

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Play the game kid

Can someone PLEASE tell me which monster drops namielle lures? I heard kirin does, killed it twice and I got pink rathian both times. I've also killed silver los and he gave me kirin and legiana, is it completely random? I just spent the past hour entering and exiting expeditions to see namielle appear in the gl with no results, yet this bitch is apparently 3 stars and thereby the most common coral monster? What should I do I'm about to commit neck rope because of mhw's omnipresent rng.

Can't always be done, should always prioritize Attack boost tho.