*causes the FGC to collapse on itself*

*causes the FGC to collapse on itself*
tr*nnies BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah ltg is pretty based

truly /ourguy/

>dresses like women
>still have a dick



He will never get the taste of Viscant's dick out of his mouth.

It would be so easy to blow him the fuck out if liberals could actually into banter.

Based , fuck fgc subhumans

What’s the story here?

Unless I missed something the only thing this dude managed to do is get his own ass banned

Did he btfo of trannies or something?

>bullying the mentally ill into mutilating themselves
yeah, I'm making an emergency call to the unbased department


If LTG didn't act like a mentally ill child most of the time, he would be pretty based

What did LTG do now?

Am I supposed to know who this Nigger is?

i've always thought he was a dumb DSP-tier retard but anyone who shits on trannies is okay in my book


fuck trannies and fuck the anime fgc(where most of the trannies are coming from)

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he told a tranny to chop his dick off and got banned from EVO. His fans then dug up some stuff of the tranny saying nigger and the tranny got banned too.

>their only goal is to take away everyones liberties
I don't understand these people. What's even worse is their mentality to ruin peoples lives over things they said. Why are they so against giving people a chance to reflect on their behaviour?

Someone kicked his ass like always and he was mad so told them that they were only trans for attention as long as they had a penis


He has like 3 diamond tags on street fighter, of course he's going to ragequit on a shitter with bad connection

I know he used destiny bond against a tranny but is there more shockwaves going through the fuc that I didn't know about?
I need popcorn.

>LTG calls a tranny a faggot on stream
>gets permabanned from every tournament
>screenshots of said tranny using the word "nigga" start to surface
>tranny also gets banned from every tournament
>FGC civil war begins

Tranny also got banned for saying nigger on Twitter, found by LTGs fans
Their fans are now Twitter combing in revenge. Trying to get anyone they can to go down with them

It's fucking great

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FGC is so shit that only reasonable semi respectable based person is a nigger, hahahahaahahahahahah, press S to spit on fgc, presumably L to laugh at them

>loses to some tranny online
>spergs out that trannies should cut their dicks off if they want to be girls
>gets banned from tournaments because of it
>his followers dig through the trannies twitter
>find that the tranny said nigger
>tranny gets canceled and banned from tournaments aswell

Some fighting game player called low tier god who talks a lot of shit so he can cash in on drama attention. Not worth you knowing him.


Juicy stuff Yas Forums

It's great how Twitter has exposed so many terrible people, and I'm not talking about the ones saying the gamer word, either.

How about you press E to eat your own balls


He's a retard but he's right on calling the FGC out on their blatant hypocritic virtue signalling. Trash talking broly legs is apparently fine, but some opportunity seeking tranny? Canceled.

the gamer word?


>Fighting game drama
Yeah no thanks


nigger duh

>a bit of banter

I best most of your friends are girls who won’t fuck you

The nigger word.

Hope the FGC fucking dies

He's literally a living shitpost, he's amazing


What a fuckin' drama queen.

Last I recall it was a tranny doing the BTFOing to LTG

He is forcing the FGC to take a suicide pill now.

holy based.

One could say Morgoth was the first liberal

Why didn't the tranny just say he identifies as a trans-nigger so it's okay for him to call people niggers?

The tranny got canceled too for being racist


so have Evo and ceo said something on Justin Wong yet?

Internet has shown the promise of society is a lie. I'm not trying to joker post, I'd prefer it not to be this way but yeah. People will justify the worst shit over the most inconsequential.

It's fun to watch but boy howdy have I deleted every social media I've had

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That would be pretty high iq

doesn't work like that.

Is LTG just an elaborate act?

That's not what he's talking about


After the tranny got banned for saying nigga, now the tranny's fans are trying to take down literally anyone in the FGC whohave ever said it, and even people not in this shit are calling tournament organizers massive retards considering the amount of people in the FGC who have said nigga in the past. Basically this shit is going to make this super PC esports FGC implode because now they're either going to have to straight up ban like 80% of the community or admit that it's fucking retarded to ban someone for saying a naughty word.

He probobly plays it up a bit on stream but it's obvious he has real issues

There's literally a video of the tranny saying it

>so fragile and mentally ill they cry every time someone says something mean to them

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Tranny still got to emasculate him

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hopefully it's going to be the latter but the way the world works in the current year.. yeesh

A toast

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wouldn't say it's elaborate. dude's a sperg, but also exaggerates for comedy. it's like when an actor plays a semi-fictional version of himself

Society is going to just fucking burn any day now



that's cute not gonna lie

this set is great, glty dabs on him and ltg doesn’t even looks upset

bet glty slobbered all over his cock later that night

>watching some boring ass nigger play games with tranny's

LTG is the bottom


get yoself a girl (or male) that treats you like this.


he literally goes out of his way to ban somebody that has the slightest disagreement with him. he's even yelled at his girlfriend live on stream from raging. if he's acting he's doing a damn good job

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