Which games give the best sense of an immersive, "living" world?

Which games give the best sense of an immersive, "living" world?

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Praise Okran brother


Fallout 4.

Give me a game where NPCs actually live by the same rules player does. I understand that it will make any computer melt to simulate whatever system player has to deal with x1000, but I hate how some NPCs never go hungry in Kenshi or factions send infinite people to die while you have about 10 max in Rimworld

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Mount and Blade series

The latter point pisses me off so much. How in the fuck do the NPC factions have so many people that they just send to get slaughtered? This is true for every such base management game. Why not make it so that the AI has to somehow 'get' those troops in the first place?

Pine was seriously underrated.

>I understand that it will make any computer melt to simulate whatever system player has to deal with x1000
The devs could cut a lot of corners and just focus on maintaining the illusion.
NPCs having the same walking speed as the player for example would go a long way

I honestly cant think of any game which does that. I think AI tech is just so poor they have to compensate with cheats.

If only companies like Epic cared more about AI than graphics with their engines.


It's not processing power that would necessarily be the problem, it's about anticipating how the player will respond.
The game can't develop strategies and counterstrategies depending on how you're playing the game, so it would have to rely on one that can likely be easily defeated by the player exploiting its weaknesses.

The only way to maintain a consistent difficulty curve is to give them the ability to cheat.

So bannerlord?

The game actually starts out with a set population that doesn't regenerate. The only living things that the game can 'spawn' in Kenshi are wild creatures. Patrols that attack your base may not have the exact characters from their home town, but their size will always be dictated as a subset of how many NPC's that town has in "roaming population," and the vanilla game never adds more to town numbers

New Vegas

AI in bannerlord currently cheats in multiple ways.

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red dead 2

I remember in M+B Warband that occasionally enemies with daggers or weapons that "cannot block" end up blocking anyway.
It was kinda fucking dumb.

Gothic 2

Based and flamepilled

none, no game to date convinced me random npc's are anything more than crowd filler

bannerlord does this. Other lords need to recruit from villages, same as you, and train up their soldiers, same as you. They also sell gear they get in battle and need to buy food for their armies from villages and cities.

Bannerlord AI currently cheats in different ways. If a lord escapes or is released, they respawn already with 30 - 60 soldiers in their stack before having to go and recruit more from villagers. AI caravans can have 50 troops to protect them, while the player is artificially limited to 30.

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wtf that game looks quite nice but i never heard of it. thanks for informing me about it

Xenus: Toчкa Кипeния


I don't read Russian, is that the one in the jungle or the one with the islands?

well to be fair the AI is retarded and lords would be getting captured by bandits if they didnt spawn with troops