In quarantine

>in quarantine
>boot up BOTW
>quests to find 4 beasts
>each on the buttfuck side of the map
>spend 30 minutes fending off monsters with a stick and running to the other end of the map
>no stamina so go around all cliffs
>reach first beast after wandering for what felt like hours
>need female outfit for 600 rupees whose only their are noon
>no money cause only second mission in the game
Wtf is wrong with this game and it's artificial padding to make it feel longer then it really is

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Jesus fucking Christ imagine being filtered this hard by a Zelda game

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Damn dude you fucking suck ass. Wait 10 years and try it again after your brain develops.

Seething lul. Breath of the Wild blows.

Wojakposters deserve to be quarantined forever

I don’t know, OP seems to be seething he’s bad at a game he spent $60 that children can beat.

>wojak poster sucks at videogames

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OP confirmed simp as fuck.

>>in quarantine
>>boot up BOTW
>>quests to find 4 beasts
>>each on the buttfuck side of the map
>>spend 30 minutes fending off monsters with a stick and running to the other end of the map
>>no stamina so go around all cliffs
>>reach first beast after wandering for what felt like hours
>>need female outfit for 600 rupees whose only their are noon
>>no money cause only second mission in the game
>Wtf is wrong with this game and it's artificial padding to make it feel longer then it really is

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>Nintendorks are wojak posters

>Breath of the Wild blows

Kek 4 years later and still seething.

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>>Nintendorks are wojak posters

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Why hasn't any game topped BotW? Its been years?

im having a stroke what is this image

the people who are ruining our board.

I got this game for my Birthday last October.

Worth playing?

Ah who am I kidding I'll never play it.

Get me out of this hell.

Looks like OP sucks

I am convinced that there is a literal cabal of 15-20 autists who post all of that shit here on a daily basis

>doesn't just run straight to Ganon and fuck him up
>complains about padding

the Kaaba is secretly filled to the brim with pajeets on iphones posting wojaks all day

>he didn't do water first

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Epic thread

I miss the good ol' BotW seethe threads of yore.

If you're not just shitposting you may be literally autistic since instead of just enjoying the game you're trying to crash your head into the objective without a single fuck about your surroundings. I think working 12 hours in a factory may be more enjoyable for you.

>Game literally tells you its the easiest route to go to Zora village first
>Wojak posting faggot goes to the hardest village first
>Complains how hard the game is


ah yes, the obligatory tripfag post

>Why yes, I'm improving the quality of this board. How could you tell ?

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hahahahaa LEL!

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where is that petition? how many voted?