Which one are you leaning toward?

Which one are you leaning toward?

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Neither because both are just literally the same controller with nothing special going on

Even if it's small, Nintendo Switch's controller is better than both due to the freedom that you can hold them along with HD Rumble.

I dunno, I dislike switch controller.
I don't understand what the fuck is wrong with it, it feels like it has more deadzones on analog sticks and somehow the buttons are less responsive than both PS4 and Xbone controller.
I am sure that there is something that I am feeling that can probably be technically explained but I am too brainlet to do so.

I meant console but yeah I agree

PlayStation has all the exclusives I care about, and the PS4 is great. Won’t buy anything until these are released and reviewed thoroughly. Buying new generation consoles from the get go is usually a very bad experience.

buying consoles in general is a shit experience unless you are interested in a particular exclusive or want to hold game parties
and with exclusives there is never ANY CONSOLE EVER that has ever had more than 10 games that are legitimately great, some fag will post lists of console exclusives but grand majority of those lists are trash and I can not imagine buying a platform for mere 10 fucking games TOPS that actually matter.

>muh pc
fuck you

playstation since micro$oft has failed me for the last time

The sports bra controller

I’m buying a Series X hands down. Might wait a few weeks or months to avoid early hardware issues but I don’t care about movie games and literally everything else is better.

>PlayStation has all the exclusives I care about
Damn, opposite for me. If PS revived one of their shooters that had online like Resistance, Kill Zone, or SOCOM, then maybe I'd be interested.

Don't have too much interest in the single player stuff.

All the exclusives I care about are on PlayStation, and I tend to play the most on console simply because I personally enjoy it the most. I only play Strategy, RTS, and city building games on my PC, quite vanilla but that’s what I like.

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pc > playstation > xbox

I dunno where I'd place switch exactly

Post your specs with an image of your RIG as proof

At this moment?
Xbox Series X seems like it's a clear winner compared to PS5 which just only showed it's controller for some reason.

>Current IPs have variety, although it is mostly composed of realistic looking games but there are quite few of it's IPs that are stylized and feature interesting choices within them.
>Confirmed support for older games, going all way back to OG Xbox which is sorely in need of a way to play nowadays due to lack of good emulators available for this platform
>Games have been announced for this platform
>Microsoft has been open on what's been happening with this new platform, very eager to promote it and share information about it

>Current IPs lack variety and are all composed of realistic samey action/adventure with combat elements games. Very few games that actually try be innovative on the platform that are actually good.
>Serious lack of support in it's older IPs for unknown reasons, which is one of the leading factors in it's lack of gameplay variety.
>Sony keeps targeting the wrong audiences, which is also one of the leading factors in it's decline of variety.
>Mismanagement of their own IPs is a recurring issue
>Support for older games is sketchy at it's best, with hints leading to just being PS4 only rather than just the entire lineup
>Supposed rumors of infighting and rushing to get the console ready to compete against a more finished product for the money, which is always a never good idea.
>Games haven't been shown as of yet, despite the controller and specs being shown for some odd reason.
>Sony has been very secretive and always dropping breadcrumbs of their platform. This might be hinting in that they made a poor product and aren't very confident in it, but still want to release it anyways just for the cheap money.

Sony is definitely cheapening themselves out on this one.

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I make photogrammetry for a living and have several render farms at disposal at work and one at my home which I use as my main PC

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In fact I have three rtx 2080 ti's just laying around that we are currently not using so please miss me with your poorfaggotry shit

It literally has always gone this way since the crash. Every generation, whoever's on top gets too comfortable and by next gen they get crushed by the competition. Only exception was Sony winning with both the PS1 and PS2.
Nintendo sure as hell isn't going to be winning the next gen, so if the pattern holds up, it's going to be Microsoft's generation.

Usually when you ask such a question there should be 2 viable choices.
I only see a PS5 and a PC controller. Seeing that I already own a PC and a controller the only new choice is the PS5 so I'm leaning there.

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cant into symmetrical sticks, tried DualShock4 for over a week and it felt like shit, so i traded it for a Xbone controller. wouldve been awesome to have a DualSensei controller with asymmetrical stick tho, Sony's quality was way way better than Xbone

buy ThreadRipper next

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I'm getting a PS5 day1 and neither of those are priorities. What matters the most by far is getting the franchises I love day1 without delays, portbegging or constant speculation whether or not X or Y game will get a PC port or when. What a shit state to live in.
I'll get a PS5 and be guaranteed day1 jap games. The minority that happen to release on PC simultaneously (which is rare) I will get on PC. The majority that won't I'll get on PS5 without having to wait.

I don't care about the vast majority of 1st parties (from any company really).

>Current IPs have variety, although it is mostly composed of realistic looking games
So much misinfo or lying through omission.
Let's be super fair and say that MS IP's indeed have more variety. How does that help in regards to their games being absolute shit or completely forgettable? Sure Crackdown3 is a wholy different experience from State of Decay2 but they're both trash so how does it matter?
I also wouldn't call their biggest IP's different when MS literally conjured 2 new studios only to continue to produce IP's that had already passed their peak from developers that left them or went extinct, as is the case with 343i and The Coalition. How is producing worse and worse (or forgettable at best) versions of Halo and Gears ad infinitum "variety"?

>Confirmed support for older games, going all way back to OG Xbox
Here you lie by ommiting the fact that only 1% of Xbox's library is playable. That's NOT backwards compatibility. It's a farse. Also only 20% of 360 games are playable, once again not BC, just a very small selection of individually ported games. You're still shit out of luck if you want to play the other 99% of Xbox games or 80% of 360 games.

>Games have been announced for this platform
Actually zero. All of them multiplats. If we count multiplats then both MS and Sony have only announced 1 next gen game as of yet. I don't see how this is a plus for MS when both of them have announced nothing but 1 game thus far.

>Microsoft has been open on what's been happening with this new platform, very eager to promote it and share information about it
Just different marketing timings. You can only add this point if we are 1 month away from release and Sony has yet to say anything. Other than that I don't see how this is a positive just because MS chose to reveal super 3 months earlier. Come Q4 these little timing variations won't matter at all. Switch was also only fully revealed 6 months before final release, same for PS4.

getting the ps5 one for pc for sure. finally sony switched to usb c and i really enjoy the touchpad's customization options. might try out the xbox one later but i'll probably stick with my switch pro controller for my secondary controller.

I like the design of the ps4 pad more, the d-pad looks like a bigger version of the vita d-pad which was great and I like the stick placement more. That said they changed the overall shape of this thing and it's ugly as fuck, so I'd have to actually use it before I can say it.

>stick with my switch pro controller
how is that one? never held it in my own hands and people sometimes comment here about shittier quality, are they memeing here?. would you recommend it?

I like them all desu

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>would you recommend it?
depends on what games you play really. it has digital triggers only so if you value analog in the games you play then you might wanna think twice about getting one. otherwise its a pretty nice controller.

The quality is horseshit. You get a white ring of plastic dust around the analog stick after literally 3 hours of play because the plastic they used is just that cheap

PS4 had exclusives, that means I will buy it. Same goes for Nintendo although I like far less of their games. Xbox has no games so why would anyone buy it.

I'm more interested in big navi/ampere than PS5/Xbox-whatever.
I'm really disappointed in the current generations lack of innovation/new IP's and it looks like the next generation won't be any different.

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Neither at launch, but PS5 will maybe have a chance of gathering enough exclusives that I will nab it up some day. New Xbox would be just redundant because nearly all of its games come to PC anyways.

getting them both, the only test is how it controls in ur own hands