You don't like the story changes in FF7 Remake? Uhhh, just play the original...

>You don't like the story changes in FF7 Remake? Uhhh, just play the original, bro! It's not going anywhere! Why did you want a 1:1 copy? They're doing something new and interesting!

Attached: file.png (600x800, 92.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102.25K)

someone drew this


i laughed once i figured out what that wojack was, good one op

new? yes. Interesting? no.

"Why did you want a 1:1 copy?", say 3.5 million people who bought a remake before it was known that it would diverge from the original story. The same kind of people who constantly buy into overhyped adaptations of franchises that diverge from the source and keep staunchly defending them until the final entry comes out and it's a gigantic pile of garbage, at which point they wake up and go "wha happun?" and start mocking anybody who has the gall of being asleep just a bit longer than them.

>I CAN'T WAIT for based /ourguy/ Max to rip the ending apart omfg pog
>I revolved my entire night around watching his stream of the final section of the game so I can chat along with my BASED Yas Forums bros in our e-celeb thread, not like those betas at reddit or actually in the twitch chat kekw pepega


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>doesnt even post the video where he said nigger

best part were all the threads being spammed saying he was hating it when he wasnt, autism is scary man

this bald bitch can't even do IAD tatami, who gives a fuck about his opinions

Did he stream the ending?

Attached: EWKH_lAXgAUZKD6.jpg (596x1051, 99.69K)

>trying to get someone banned when he has ties with people from SE
lol good luck, maybe if he was a small streamer


The thing is, there's absolutely a subset of people who will never touch the original because it's old and they think this new one makes it redundant. So they will think that's the game everyone loved but with new graphics

You don't know what's funnier. The fact that your post is 100% accurate, or the fact that people take opinions of youtubers seriously.
It is perfectly fine AND normal to try the game, finish it and dislike/hate it. But why do you need an opinion of some reviewer and/or youtuber?

zoomers and autists cant think for themselves, i mean look at the entirety of this fucking board

>aznmasculinity is unironically triggered by Maximillian dood

That's objectively right.

Kuz Etus
B8 Honkeyroad
Kouvola, Vinland 04

Mää joskus työskentele puhamilsmynin parissa, vitun vihane bossi, aina puhuu paskaa minusta mutta minä vaan hymyile ja naytää sormee ku hän kääntää häne persettä minua kohti.

Joka päivä minä istuu myy vitun vitamiinii ja browsa Yas Forums. Myy aika paljoo d-vitamiinit 79v. vanhaa mummelille, sanoo se auttaa tupakkaa ja keuhkosyöpää varte, ja jos ei niin hän ei paljoo valittaa myöhemmin siltikää.

Kerran joku tulee sano että hän ei usko lääketieteeseen, minä sanoo se on hyvä juttu koska niin ei minäkään ja minä myyn ihan vitun hyvää seinajoella valmistettua B6*2 vitamiini joka tepsii jopa aivosyöpää mitä hänellä on, se oli hyvä päivä ja minä myy 12 purkkia ku löytääsin nii paljo seniilii porukkaa.

Haluan tämä työpaikka koska tiedän miten kusetta vanhaa ihmisii, ja tulen myyymään paljo vitamiinii minä myy nii vitusti vitamiini että vanha firma menee konkkaan. Siksi minä passa Souomen terveysravinto paskaa, minä myyn vaikka sarviapilaa vanhalle mummelilelle ja sano että hän saa 20cm pippeli kahdella pillerillä.

t. Dr. Kuz Etus

Because eceleb and his cult hating on game I also hate = good

What a beautiful language

Correct? What is actually the point of a remake if it’s the exact same game again

I don't mind if they add stuff but if it diverges from the original completely it's not a remake anymore

But it's not the same game, it has different gameplay.

A good remake ideally keeps the same plot structure but expands upon it in meaningful ways while retaining the same iconic moments and story beats from the original. Not a retarded meta-commentary that doesn't really have much to say and feels pointless.


Attached: 1584366358229.webm (634x532, 2.36M)

The point of a remake is to give you a visual and mechanical upgrade without dealing much with the story elements. If we were to call this a remake per se, we would have to admit that this is the first remake for a game that has been done up until now. It changes enough elements that it's not a remake at all.

Lemme ask you, what do you call the newer Spyro trilogy? The newer RE2? What about the 3DS version of Dragon Quest VII? What about Black Mesa? Link's Awakening on the Wii U?

>"after all the smoke is settled, after all the dust has cleared"

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Lol max is soi as fuck


An amazing waste of 2 minutes

>likes the characters
>90% of it is padding

what are they going to do for the rest (if any) of the story?

>sold 3,5 mil copies in 3 days
>this is it, it is done, obviously noone will buy this game after this, not even on PC or when the price drops
And why do you constantly compare VIIR to XV? Is XV the only FF game familiar to you?

Why would they even try illegally sue someone?