I liked it more than VLR .
I liked it more than VLR
fuck you
You are a dumbass then.
>Dude snails lmao
>Dude alien fax machine lmao
>Dude everyone and their dog is a SHiFTer lmao
It's okay to have shit taste user... and you definitely do.
Your opinion is wrong.
VLR is a mess though.
The characters are mostly boring and uninspired, the cameos don't feel rewarding, the ending and twists at the end are completely retarded and are there purely to justify other twists, for example the "cybernetic Sigma arms" twist is literally only there to make up an excuse for why his arm CG shows a young, smooth skin while Tenmyouji has a wrinkly old man's arm etc.
The virus just so happens to perfectly speed up time by such amount that gravity on the Moons feels like normal. It also makes no sense that when all of them are sped up, it "sychronizes" and they all experience each other movement's as normal. They would need to move like through fucking tar to actually make it look normal.
Earth being red just to justify them being on the Moon and it not being obvious first time you live to the surface is also retarded.
Old Sigma twist makes also no sense because there were so many situations where he would notice that, and no, few "foreshadowing" dialogues are not enough.
The cliffhangers and retarded dialogues in the now "non-canon" ending were also stupid. Only dialogue with Tenmyouji was actually good.
It's just a really weak game.
Not ZTD is not masterpiece, but it has way more content you can ironically (or even unironically) enjoy.
It feels closer to 999 with atmosphere. Zero Escape originally was about taking urban legends and making them into an actual lore of the world, VLR went into the reddit pop-science theme with "le Schrodinger's Cat xD" themes. The "alien fax machine" was not that bad honestly, the characters were enjoyable, even Junpei was ironically fun to watch with how he sperged out and was going full "no way fag" for Akane.
Big factors were that i had really low expectations for ZTD, which lowered the bar for that game, and also that i did not care for the plotlines that ended on a cliffhanger in VLR, so i did not care if ZTD did not adress those.
>over 4 years since the pre-release threads and almost 4 since the game came out
Take me back bros
shut the fuck up revisionist. vlr was always weaker than 999 but at least mostly held up on its own merits despite its occasional stupidity, and it had good atmosphere and puzzles. ztd is an unforgivable mess of butchered plot threads, characters mangled beyond recognition, trash puzzles, looney tunes tier animations (this is an insult to looney tunes if we're being honest), and just a general lack of quality in all departments. stop going B-BUT VLR every time someone speaks out against ztd. it is not going to win you any arguments. i barely had to wait for ztd because i didn't get into this series until soon before it came out and it was STILL a heaping pile of garbage, as it always will be.
>The "alien fax machine" was not that bad honestly
it's a plot hole that can completely fucking invalidate the series, hell, it could invalidate existence if used properly.
Man, I remember the hype and the threads. I have personally never been so disappointed with a game as I was ZTD. A project of my own expectations to be sure, but I'll never be able to entertain the thought of ZTD being anything other than pure garbage.
>it had good atmosphere
Yea i love the atmosphere of cutscenes and 3d models looking like something out of someone's deviantArt's pregnancy fetish gallery.
They were alright but not that hard. I had problem with maybe two.
ZTD is not unforgivable, it has a lot of merits on it's own.
The gun/furnace escape room is by far the best one from all of the games.
I still like ZTD
>Yea i love the atmosphere of cutscenes and 3d models looking like something out of someone's deviantArt's pregnancy fetish gallery.
this is not even an argument. you are throwing out words with no meaning behind them, only buzzwords. nothing you just said about vlr's atmosphere makes any sense, and the 3d models being mediocre hardly influences atmosphere. you do not know what you are talking about.
>They were alright but not that hard. I had problem with maybe two.
they are without question the best puzzles in the series. they are the most varied and most involved, with multiple solutions as bonuses.
>ZTD is not unforgivable, it has a lot of merits on it's own.
you used the wrong its.
>The gun/furnace escape room is by far the best one from all of the games.
that room is decent in puzzle design but also goes on to fall apart once you realize that diana could have just held the fucking metal container the goggles were in up in front of the gun to block the bullet from hitting sigma. even in the fucking puzzle rooms they could not manage to make the plot work.
>The gun/furnace escape room is by far the best one from all of the games.
And why is that?
>Actually defending fucking alien fax machines
>this is not even an argument. you are throwing out words with no meaning behind them, only buzzwords
You are right, look at this rich ATMOSPHERE and presentation. It's just SOOO GOOD.
Unironically even though it has stiff movement, ZTD models look way better.
Infinitely better than "le quantum physics lmao xD".
Only thing lacking is when Phi is ending her boring explanations, she should end the sentence with "thanks for the gold kind stranger!".
Alien fax machine is a convoluted concept but i liked it way more than anything in VLR and felt it was closer to 999 with just weird urban legend fuckery instead of trying to tap into pop-sciency stuff.
>Wow I can accept a dead girl set up a murder game thats about psychic sms timetravel to revive herself but alien fax machine thats just too much
Yeah pretty much
fuck off, Delta
fuck off akane your moon base is more stupid
Akane is pounded by Big Delta Cock.
I like all three.
999 has the strongest atmosphere.
VLR has the best puzzle rooms, flowchart, and endings.
ZTD takes the most advantage of the interactive medium.
ZTD is definitely the weakest of the three and could have been so much more, but I still enjoyed it. Played 999 twice, VLR three times, and ZTD twice.
VLR is objectively the best game of the trilogy, I accept people liking 999 more because it's also based and I get people liking the story or the characters better. VLR's cliffhanger ending doesn't ruin how the vast majority of the game was kino, though. Some people are really all about the destination and not the journey.
We don't talk about ZTD.
The destination was garbage though. The atmosphere was by far the weakest. A dull space station/lab is the most boring setting in whole franchise.
Disagree, VLR is the only game of the three where the setting is actually important rather than being incidental.
>999: oh it wasn't on the ship it was actually in Nevada... okay
>ZTD: oh the teams weren't actually separated, the walls were just projections, whatever
>VLR: wait we're on the moon, but that means... and then... oh FUCK
Fragment system is cool in theory, shit in practice because it kills the pacing. I did enjoy how Junpei and Carlos had to play the AB game and I knew that they were both screwed
>the destination was garbage though
Read my comment again and try to guess if I was saying otherwise. Your reading comprehension seems garbage.
vlr and 999 had some fucking annoying sections where you are pressing the fast foward button to skip text you already saw in a slightly different path.
Fragments killed the repeat texts
>Fragments killed the repeat texts
>How long have we been sleeping
>It's been X hours since the vote
>But the amnesia drug
>We could have woken up multiple times