What would the 4th panel look like?

What would the 4th panel look like?

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>I can't even play the game

Attached: Cuphead-Journalist.jpg (640x360, 28.12K)

Two people arguing in the same panel about a game with videos multiple hours long behind them

There are no games.

"That game you like was nominated for 5 Oscars! But it's still racist."

>You don't like this game, and here's why

>That game you like is propaganda for [ideology I don't like]

>And That's A Good Thing

>the 10's

Attached: bootyconsumer.png (297x265, 180.85K)

>good game is actually bad and here is why
>bad game is actually good and here is why

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>That game you like is fetishizing skill.

I know it sounds weird user but we are past that decade now and its trends are now immutable

That game you like is the dark souls of the franchise.

The same as the last panel, except it will be considered a good thing.

>That game you like is illegal

>That game you like is for trannies only

This. Journalism is completely about telling people how to feel now, it's not meant to inform.

>That game says TRANS RIGHTS

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>trans right
I've never understood this. Do people somehow lose all their rights if they decide to become trannies?

most want a free pass at being a terrible person because they're marginalized or something like that

>muh restrooms

Read some history you myopic fuck. This is some of the most ignorant shit I've read on here. Get off Yas Forums. READ A BOOK.

Because he said "now"?
Yeah, it never was about informing people for real.

>That Game Features a Trans Main Character And The Alt-Right Needs to Deal With It

didn't the guy in the middle die of cancer? rekt

If you don't think there's a difference between journalism now and 20 hears ago you're fucking retarded. Just compare how headlines look between the two eras.

People use trans rights because it sounds better and makes them feel more powerful than "better treatment for trans people".

I only know like two "rights" that trans people don't have because whenever I ask they go "oh man there's too many to list where do I begin" and never actually say anything concrete, but an example is the whole bathroom thing. I've heard stories of trans people not being allowed to use gendered bathrooms period, they have to use gender-neutral bathrooms.

It's not really an issue of rights, though.

It was not nearly as blatant. Op-eds were usually confined to their own section and clearly labeled. That's gone.

He had a shit diet, his family had a history of ass cancer and he didn't go to the doctor when he bled from his ass

Man you are an idiot.

some girl who identifies as an octopus, with blue hair half of it shaved off talking about how the game should pander more to LGBT people.

>public bathrooms is the biggest struggle you've faced in life

I bleed from my ass constantly, had two colonoscopies and a surgery that cut my asshole in half to drain a massive cyst. it's been 6 months and still it's a problem
I've drastically changed my diet, eating a lot of probiotic food and a lot of fiber. I still bleed and have stomach pain

How fucked am I?