Vidya collection thread

Post em!

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shit games

From what I can see from your ps4 games, a lot of those games arent so good user. But bonus points for having project diva.

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>hand isn't black

Fuckin wigger

Are you 12?

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Realistically, how many of those have you played for more than 5 hours?

Piratefags dont play games. They fuck around in the settings for each game for 10 minutes and then move on to the next one. Owning games is way more hardcore because you literally have an incentive, a commitment to beat a game when you have the actual physical copy. You dont want to have loads of physical games on your shelf that you've never beaten. When it's all in your computer, you feel less like a fraud when you havent beaten any of them.

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Kys fag

Here they are

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Tripping because this will be a lot of pics

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>Shit games
I admit some of them are pretty bad like Andromeda or DQ, mirror's edge but they were suuuuuuuper cheap brand new, doa 6 was at like 15$ brand new (lmao the game really flopped)

Thanks user, I was checking the prices and damn, the game is super expensive and rare now, didn't know diva games were that rare, I'm happy with my copy though.
Btw do you k ow how many so far are there in future tone?

Those look good! I miss my old collection, I had to sell all my 3ds collection and some SE and other games because of college, I used to have way more


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You have shit taste OP.

Check your eyes. That hand is black.


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OP here, this is my other collection, I have it in a different shelf because I had no more space in there

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I've decided not to post my steam collection on second thought, I'll just post how many games I have

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pretty based, op! here's my beauties

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Why would you even buy all that shovelware?

finna based


no. but my dick is. in inches.

humble bundles and when I was like 13 I used to buy those "10 random games for $1" on got because I didn't have much money. I only really started getting to buy my own games when I got a job at 16

I miss black hand user, you spicgroid will naver be his match

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heil hitler
jelly on that doom though

>having physical copies


Seig heil

ja sieg