Why was it so good?
Better, more mature writing and character development than any JRPG.
Bad Company 2 was better
And I cant deny
Why was it so bad?
Remember, no Russian
It wasn't. It just attracted the worst of the worst console kiddies. They also removed the lean feature on the PC version because it didn't work on consoles.
BF2 > BC2
The only thing stopping this game from becoming a definitive 10/10 in my mind was the stopping power perk. You already die fast in COD so what's the point of something like that?
IW4X adds it back in, plus server browsing and other goodies
It wasn't.
COD4 was the better game, both in singleplayer and multiplayer.
Also this.
>COD4 was the better game, both in singleplayer and multiplayer.
And WAW was the better game, both in singleplayer and multiplayer.
Third person corner peaking shitfest.
Why was it so good?
Everything was overpowered, therefor everything was balanced.
Similar to Bad Company 2 as said.
Modern devs try to nerf everything to balance, which is wrong.
I'd take BF2 over any nu Battlefield these days.
Cause I like to spend moneys on lootboxes and worse animations,
singleplayer sure, nobody touches those anyways. but MW2 reigns supreme as the fun bullshit multiplayer. the ludicrous amount of unbalanced shit makes it more fun than every game that tries to nerf shit down to appease shitters.
Intervention chads
M40A3 Chads
Does anybody even uses sprays? Ive never seen them anywhere
here we go, it's finally arrived
This guy gets it. Vidya is most fun when its not balanced esport faggot shit.
> MW2 reigns supreme as the fun bullshit multiplayer
Not even within its own franchise. Black Ops 1 and 2 did that better.
ive never seen them or equipped them. i want the pointless cosmetic fad to end
black ops 1 has the largest amount of worthless weapons in the entire franchise. the entirety of the SMGs excluding the AK74u are completely useless, as is every assault rifle that isnt the famas or commando. sniper rifles are a joke with the randomized zoom in. no kill chaining on streaks either
>Modern Warfare 2's story is about patriotism gone mad and the villain is a rogue American General who stages an invasion of the United States so everyone will "support da troops" and give him a blank check to wage endless war forever
>Nu-Modern Warfare is unironic right wing jingoism that projects American war crimes onto Russians and outright says that soldiers can do whatever the fuck they want and its morally justified
What went wrong?
They better release the multiplayer for mw2 remastered. Theres a leaker apparently saying that its done but they dont wanna kill MW2019.
Honestly sounds like "my dad works for activision" tier shit but who knows.
Weapons feel plain good to use. The M4A1 is still mad fucking OP though.
>got my M93 Raffica back
Shotgun shitters are no longer a problem though.
This. Bo1 was fucking shit and I despise people who think it was good
>last stand
From a business standpoint keeping the Call of Duty multiplayer experience tied into one gameplay suite that they can keep updating forever is the right move, especially when they give the first hit for free with Warzone.
its going to be a monkeys paw. guaranteed since they already fucked with gun sound effects in the campaign for zero reason. if they nerf tubes, streaks, OMA, or add in weapon sway then it isnt MW2. MW2 felt like a video game, the new MW feels too heavy because they go for muh realism
It was bad, actually
CoD 4 was good tho
>when they pinned the Highway of Death on the russians
It was a shitty game with mindless, fast paced multiplayer.
>>got my M93 Raffica back
>useless in warzone
>playing warzone
Also, apparently they are more powerful than shotguns if you can get into point blank range.
this. my worst fear is also that they add cosmetic shit to MW2. being able to pick your character model is a fucking cancer in online shooters, especially cod. in MW2, your player model was decided by the type of primary weapon you have equipped. this meant at a glance you can see if you have a chance of winning an engagement since you know within reason what to expect. as soon as you remove that nobody is going to take an SMG, because you will never be sure if the dude you are trying to cross map has an AR or another SMG
>Unbalanced as fuck
>everyone trying hard to make epic quickscoper and knife kill montages
>retarded skill-free builds
>gated unlock system
>player base consisting of 12 year olds
>rampant hacking, camping and grinding
>retarded kill-streak bonuses that incentivize camping
>retarded death streak bonuses that reward you for playing shit
>over priced map packs that completely split up the player base
>many TERRIBLE maps like Quarry and Wasteland
The game was pretty shit to be honest.
in core they rape so hard.
Warzone they're shit because warzone is filled with Chinese aimbotters running around with a gold level HDR just one tapping everyone
CoD4 was excellent. WaW was busted but fun. Everything after that was shit.
Nuketown in blops 1 was cool
Fuck them for doing it to death for four more games afterwards.
it wasn't, 2000 kiddies
black ops 4 has a barebones nuketown only playlist, probably the only mode worth playing since the core gameplay has that busted hero shit
that's precisely what made it so much fun you faggot, everything was a beautiful clusterfuck