Why aren't Sony and Microsoft competing for the Animal Crossing audience at all? There's much more money in this simple and cutesy life sim than serious movie games.
Why aren't Sony and Microsoft competing for the Animal Crossing audience at all...
because they dont want/need furries audience
Because trying to get in on Nintendo's niche isn't likely to go well, since most of the people in that niche don't give a fuck about anything but Nintendo games
>Why aren’t Sony and Microsoft competing for a fanbase comprised of phone game women, children, and people who like boring time wasters in general?
Gee I don’t know
Companies don’t care where their money comes from
Yeah but why waste money on animal crossing when people will shell out for shit like fortnite anyway?
Sony only makes muh serious story driven action games
Because they fuck it up one way or another.
Ironically that's kind of game their precious "female audiences" really like. Women go apeshit about playing house while most game devs just keep churning out strong and independent action heroines they think women like.
Because as animal crossing has proven, there’s a very large audience for it.
Weird how there aren’t that many sims-style games anymore but they’re trying to force women to like shit like Gears of War
How is that at all relevant? Animal Crossing isn’t anywhere near Fortnite or even COD. It’s a really niche style of game, it’s like me trying to reason why there aren’t that many arcade street racing games even though there’s a market for it.
Video games are serious business and shouldn’t be fun. Fun is for children. They aren’t interested in appealing to little children who probably still put milk on their cereal instead of boiling water.
tranny ware
Microsoft has Minecraft retard
Microsoft has the sims
And Sony has a myriad of movie games for them to play instead
So what's the #1 best-selling game of 2020?
Because they can't make cutscenes on that game and they'd lose all their movie producers
Sony's target audience completely overlaps with the casual "bohoo I came back from work and videogames should be basically movies because I actually hate them but I still want to play them" crowd.
Xbox's target audience is 10yo "I don't want to play kiddie games because I'm a mature person" kids and stoners.
It’s not hard to figure out.
The second best selling video game of 2020 is a life sim
Ergo the life sim genre has a huge audience of people willing to pay $60 for a half assed game.
Put out COD and AC and rake in money from literally everyone
You seriously can’t reason this out yourself?
>Why should we focus on x=$$$ when y=$$$
The same reason cocacola makes coke AND sprite.
If the second best selling game of the year was an arcade street raving game, more companies would make them, retard.
because competing with smash worked so well for sony
The Sims is sort of a similar game to AC.
Though it's more of managing their life instead of playing as them I guess.
Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley to a lesser extent.
Corporations are REALLY inefficient at certain tasks. They will likely never get into the genre until they purchase an indie IP or company outright. After Stardew Valley 2 makes hundreds of millions of dollars, Blizzard/Activision will purchase it and release a mobile title, Stardew World, meant to rival the next Animal Crossing. 2024
you guys really need to take a look out there in the wild.
most video game (sony/MS) fans today are two thing
>lonely wannabe-normalfags who pretend they are social party-goers and the like
both of these group think and blieve games are for the mature audience. they also have something called "cute aggression" due to an underdeveloped amygdala. they will look at it and they will hate it with their hearts
a lot of women, deep down, are angry. they go on specific websites, boards, forums, etc. and they literally say that they feel like the world is constantly telling them to do and buy stuff they don't like. they say the buying part kills their wallets because it's all useless stuff -- but they just must buy it.
women are also very angry and confused becuase they world tells them to work and not get married and have kids even though it's been like this since the dawn of time and what they truly want.
Because it's for women and children who don't like video games that require more effort than digging up rocks. Please contain that audience to nintendo and minecraft.
zoomers' flat back of the heads are a result of world governments putting the standard of
>leave your baby in the crib to cry it all out no matter how long it takes instead of parents nestling them and nurturing them with with their bodies
into recommended childcare
That shit is more for humiliating the original target audience of said games because the average studio director treats mass media like a lab experiment and gets kicks out of forcing male audiences to worship female power.
but women and children love the copy-pasted AAA games on sony and MS. they seek it. if anything, it's only natural for kids to go towards the "mature" stuff
>Smash Ultimate sold more
And that game was released in 2018 when there were a lot fewer Switch owners.
Why don't Nintendo compete in the gacha market and win? Why do they let Sony win?
Isn't FEH printing money
Probably Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
snoygers demands dlc and famous people playing characters that look like them.
Barely 3% of what FGO makes daily.