How are your islands coming along, Yas Forums? Did you end up getting overwhelmed by terraforming and give up like a bitch instead of remodeling your island section by section?
Animal Crossing
Pretty much decided I’m going to rework everything now that I’ve moved my house. It’ll be a long arduous task, but I am ready for however long it takes.
I set up a commie block so my island is incredible with tons of space. Thank you for asking.
don't let anybody tell you how to setup your island, whether you have a commie block or not
So what's this I hear about the game deleting people's save files now? How to prevent that?
same, i have a bunch of free space to build all sorts of things in the future while having a cute communal and shopping area as well
feels good to actually have a town that isn't just a random shit storm with no planning or effort behind it
it doesn't do that
anyone know how much space a bridge needs to get built? like how long does the river have to run from the bridge to a waterfall ect? Is there an infograph?
>How to prevent that?
don't be a retard?
I think I put my neighborhood too close to the airport. I don't want to have to move every single house though.
i want to reset island because the local fruit doesnt fit the theme I have in mind and the airport/local services spots are trash but I dont wanna lose my man boone ):
just reddit and twittards exaggerating shit
Is this chart correct?
Anyone got any good turnip prices?
You can probably replace all your fruit trees fairly easily.
I've put such little time into developing my town and I'm already feeling like I need to step away from the game again.
>Expand the island
>Remove the island
>I should build some bridges already
>I shouldn't build any because I might need to move them when I mess with the river more
>Make the second and third layers more significant
>I'm not sure how I want it to look so I'd rather not do that yet
I just need to make a decision already.
make it work, user. bros before...island resets i dunno, i can't make it rhyme. But don't do him wrong
>but I dont wanna lose my man boone
just do it, you can buy a boone amiibo card on ebay for less than $5
>anons post their Dodo code
>have items laying on the beach in the corner of their map
>check to see if anyone is around the area
>it's clear
>steal the items
>don't put them back down even though they're in my catalog now
>leave by pressing the - button
Who else /slyAF/ here?
Don't exit an island via the minus botton. That's it.
What is it with these retarded whores and terrible design. I've seen 17 guides and they all look like the first design assignment at community college
Here's your fucking (you)
This one is the new hotness
I'm trying to figure out if the ry Hybrid Yellow Mums are capable of producing more ry types if bred with each other
where tf do I get more money? literally anything I want to do costs a billion dollars, I've lost motivation to even keep on playing
I'm new to the animal crossing community
This is the official one.
any plans to expand to those other areas? it's so cramped
>blue roses are worth 1000 bells
Of course. I just need to finally make my move and do it already.
farm tarantulas, buddy! easiest way is to make one from bamboo isle from your nmt
very very based anons
cute villagers and town user
they're like chump change compared to fishes
so why spend the effort on these?
>Not a time tranny or hacker
>Celeste has been on my island 3 nights in a row
What the actual fuck is going on
This sounds like people trying to scare people into not doing something that inconveniences other people, by tricking them into believing they personally are risking something. People only care when their own thing is at stake.
okay let this motivate you. think about what necessary changes you need to do to accommodate the updates and make your island better
Turnips is the fastest, most stressful and fun way to make money in this game.
They look pretty
once you get one you can dupe them forever
but I still expected a bit more than 1k
Yeah, but it annoys me that my island is called wumpa but the fruit is a cherry.
Like an orange or peach would have been perfect.
Im trying man, i still havent got the terraforming thing but it bothers me that i cant even have like a road/path that directly connects the airport to the local services
Im heavily considering it shit
>most stressful
using is not stressful in the slightest
There's a calculator, and yes, they can. They'll produce ry yellows more often than anything else, in fact.
this doesn't explain how or why any of that happens.
del looking on in absolute disappointment
is the new update out yet
I only found out the peddler only shows up before noon so I've missed her twice now. Mostly play at night so I've been a turniplet for two weeks.
Hopefully things'll progress faster once I get her this Sunday, I'm just hitting rocks and chopping woods for now.
Yeah, but it's also not fun.
>to accommodate the updates and make your island better
That's partially what the island is for. I want it to be some place where I can place seasonal furniture/items (I've never been a fan of making rooms since everyone does that and they all look the same). I'll think about what you said and I'm going to try and do it in a way that doesn't lose that island feel. I definitely need to give myself a good reason to go to all parts of my island and not just the town and rivers.
That's good, I have my first pair and wanted to know if I should be bothering cloning them or breeding them together
Also where the hell is that calculator, don't say check the op in the /vg/ thread
you keep doing this, stop attention whoring faggot no one cares
shit sorry i meant to post this with it
Turnips are legitimately OP, I turned just 100k worth of turnips into 700k. I'd imagine the profits from like, 800k worth of turnips would be insane.
You mean like percentages? Why would I care about that shit?
It's already on the guide.
I have two south exits.
How do I salvage this situation, bros?
I didn't know I fucked up.
>He doesn’t make at least 6 mil a week from turnips
It's also annoying that you still end up waiting on those limited slot islands for a slot to open up but to see it taken up by another panic dumbfuck
I also like to steal the furniture that spawn in people's trees, too, but I guess (You) already know that...
What could I possibly use that much money for?
>not turning in 300k of turnips to get a full inventory of profit
Here you go
It might be inadvisable to breed them instead of duplicating though, because they have a not-insignificant chance of producing yellows with no r gene, and you won't know that until you try to use them for other things.
I feel like you're doing this on purpose, but it isn't purely percentage based. If you try to breed your flowers following the book's guide without knowing how it works you're going to end up breeding flowers that will never produce the color you want even though the book says it should work, because there's more to a flower than its color.
this girl takes massive shits
>He has double south rivers
>His native fruit is pears
>He’s a docklet
>His island is named after a videogame location (specifically Zelda: Outset, Termina, etc.)
I went all in with 6 million and now I have 12 million but haven't even sold half the turnips I bought.
Thanks. I'm really glad that I had the foresight to organize where my houses would go. Like that one user said it is a little cramped though.
I was getting ready to put an "abandoned" player house by that island, but Redd kind of ruins that. Then again maybe not.
That's what I was afraid of, thanks for posting the tool
I went a little overboard with the aesthetically pleasing terraforming that ended up not being entirely practical. Im reworking my commie block to give each row of houses a common area (a cafe between some, a spa between some). Fighting the urge to reset every time I watch a 5 Star island video with better layouts.
>by that island
I meant to type secret beach. I need to go to bed.
2 mil a week is enough imo
for all the shopping needs
I honestly wish I built my boardwalk infront of my airport so I could have more buildings lined up. Right now its two villagers the tailor and a player house with the other villagers having their own space. It looks fine but I kinda want to go grander with the boardwalk itself.
Anyone want to trade my red springy horse for a different springy horse?
open your town, im coming with them
someone said 4 spaces from waterfall. if so IT FUCKS MY WHOLE PLAN
Turnips are so OP it makes every other activity inconsequential. There is no purpose to selling any item other than turnips
open your town, im coming
How you niggers do your paths n' shit? Just leading to each house door?
sold one stack od nipa for 467 yday at a nice user's island, now waiting for another good offer to sell the rest
my own prices have been terrible for two whole weeks
Post that dodo bitch we coming with fruit
What's her diy today user ;)
Open your town, I'm coming with what you need
i can't wait till i have a turnip spike so i can scum bells and NMT from these assholes
you can copy my plan if you want
instead of making every house connect straight to each other, i would make "community area" and connect houses to them
>Celia is now calling me "cupcake"
at least he doesn't play 3homos or use gay 3homos reaction images, so he's already superior to you.
>t. seething docklet pearfag
We are going to get more buildings next update, commie blocks might not be that bad after all.
>We are going to get more buildings next update
which ones?
>Visitors to your island can water flowers to increase reproduction odds
>This is indicated by special sparkles
>have flick in town
>gonna ask him to make me an ant model
he he