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She's soooooo boring

Sometimes that's a good thing

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She's my Mass Effect waifu. I never romance anyone but her.

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Best dad or greatest dad?

She's great, and had her moments.

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>tfw prefer the damaged goods

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The nomad was the best part of Andromeda and when they make the eventual remake of 1 they should get the NFS guys to remake the Mako.

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Hey asshole

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It's "commander"

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Never played Bindromeda, how is nomad compared to mako?

I wanna shoot stuff while I'm destroying delicate alien ecosystems though.

much better. The gameplay in andromeda is pretty fun, it's just the boring story that brings it down

How can Jack resist eating Miranda's plump juicy ass?

Not to me.

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Handles like an actual tank with wheels because it was coded by the Need for Speed team. Only issue is no guns.

I want to stick a knife in her belly and gut her from cunt to tits. I hate this presumptuous whore and how the games forces her vapid ass in your face at all times like woah shes blue isnt that hot? fuck off bald cunt bitch.

She' cant, I ship them together, while banging Liara.

Kinda like space Need for Speed. Fast, with 2 modes like changing gears for flat terrain and climbing so it's a bit interactive if you wanna transition smoothly. Has a 6 wheel drive for sticking to the ground and just rear drive for drifting. Solid.

Oh they'll just make the handling. Let someone else figure out the turret.

Tali is best waifu

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>being this mad
space incel

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Why did they make Liara's tits bigger every game? They were average in ME1, big in ME2 and it reached megamilk tier in ME3. Looking at those blue balloons made me regret not picking her in ME1.

imagine the smell of her emergency induction port

In ME1 they probably just used the same body model for every human female or asari.


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Mommy Benezia is proud.

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What's it like having a loving gf?

Make better choices.

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unironically loved jax

love the fifth element lilu characterization

every day is exciting and you look forward to when you're together and dread when you're apart. They make every moment more special even when it's mundane such as shopping or going for a walk. You can never go back to watching TV alone compared to when you're sat together as it's more cozy and warm. You become best friends and have someone you can let it all out too. This is how it is for me and my bf anyway

Came to this thread to say the same thing but with the opposite opinion.

You just answered your own question

>1000 year old virgin
Why is Liara such an asarincel

If anything Tali and Liara are the "innocent" love interests, Jack is the cute psycho who masks the hurt with edginess. Miranda is the femme fatale with a heart, Kelly is a turboslut, Ashley is the girl from the planet next door and Samara is the domme space MILF.

She's also a pedo going for a much younger mate