Why do idiots still buy consoles in the year of 2020?
Why do idiots still buy consoles in the year of 2020?
Cant teach an old dog new tricks
They have... ahem... other uses ;)
same reason people aren't good at RTS and fighting games
fucking lol. but seriously though i dont get why people still get consoles when you can literally play the same game on pc with a controller.
Plug n play. It just werks. Also exclusives.
I wish this was a real controller.
I want to say "here's your controller bro" and hand this to someone.
Brand loyalty, exclusive titles, habitual buying.
Because several reasons
>Fuck Epic and Steam
>Fuck Devuno for making piracy more difficult
>PS4 and Xbone emulation gonna take awhile
>Most PC ports are meh unless it's somehow popular in the modding community, which if it's some obscure shit you love, you're doomed
>Overall bordem
t. a pc fag who skipped several generations of consoles
Because I don't want to wait years for an emulator to be developed and put behind a patreon paywall so I can play Nintendo games.
PCs take more effort than consoles and most people are incredibly lazy and stupid.
Sometimes they have games.
Sometimes those games just werk without compatibility hassles.
playstation literally has no good exclusives. they have gay ass walking simulators like death stranding.
xbox is fucking irrelevant and pointless since halo is on pc now and halo is the sole reason xbox even exists.
What do foxes smell like
Because I want to play switch exclusives.
actually based
Apparently their piss smells REALLY bad, and is one of the biggest annoyances for domesticated fox owners.
This, I have a PC with a 1080ti and a 9700k. It can play any game on highest settings, and it still has issues sometimes. I have a PS4 and Switch (and literally every other Nintendo and Sony console) in case I want to play a game that was exclusive to those platforms or in case it works better on them. Or sometimes I just want shit to just work and to be able to play it on a handheld in my bed, so I use my Vita/Switch/3DS. Only console I don't see a point in is Xbox because it's just a shittier PC with virtually no exclusives that don't get released on PC or some other platform.
>smelly piss
>current year
PC gaming is a niche thing the majority of gamers play on consoles why are you making it sound like PC gaming is the future when it's actually the past?
Death Stranding is not a PlayStation game
>domesticated fox owners
Hooow you can get pet foxes?
I don't know where specifically to buy one, but domesticated foxes exist from fur farms, and from a Russian experiment on domesticating them. They're apparently still a pain in the ass though because of the smell and nearly impossible to housetrain so they just spray their smelly piss all over your house.
Can we please not turn this tread into a furry fetish gathering. Danke!
>spray their smelly piss all over your house
Leeewwdd baste Russians haha I wonder if they also trained them to give the knot hahahaha ha
if you look in the wild, most video game fans are not either normalfags or wannabe-normalfags who pretend they are popular, party-going people. for them, it's all about nerd cred because they got into -- or back into -- video games during the nerd tred that was booming around the time of this gen's consoles' reveal and releases
Would this actually be a good controller for gaming?
I Forgot to put a H in "Tread"
My comment means nothing nothing now. Carry on degenerates!
Dude it is i baught this for my daughter...
>implying Dies bedeutet, dass Sie nicht möchten, dass Taiks oder ein Fuchs über Ihre Haut treten, während Sie ihre Gerüche überall aufsprühen
ahhhhhhhhh freie Gerüche alle freien Gerüche riechen stinkenden Peepee überall
This is unironically why the Xbox exists. It's the cheapest way to play CoD/Madden/FIFA/NBA.