Lmao based nintendo

Lmao based nintendo
Fuck animal crossing

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I'm a trans btw, if anyone cares.

Fuck you. Don't celebrate at someone's tragedy, asshole

>Reddit screenshot
The absolute state of Yas Forumseddit

lel cuck

he has a girlfriend, he actually gets to feel the warm embrace of another person. He doesn’t know tragedy like us

Lol man everything is crisis to these homos

I bet that people with emunand can backup and restore their save in this situation.

oh no no no

I can’t wait for all crybaby articles about a “post covid world”

>Companies being anti-consumer is good when I find it funny

>not taking care of your shit
lol normies

Dude something just happened
I'm not gonna tell any details but something happened dog

Not even close to being a problem with a hacked Switch :^)
Imagine actually paying Nintendo to be able to back up only some of your games

That girl would probably refuse to have sex with me if I asked, why should I care about her

>Giving a fuck about women that aren't related to you/you aren't fucking
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.

stay in your normie containment board

Her bf makes long rambling posts white knighting her lost Animal Crossing progress.
There's a distinct chance.

>Just reading the text stirred so many emotions: anger, sadness, shock.

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>Fuck you. Don't celebrate at someone's tragedy*, asshole

>*tragedy: "progress" on a video game toy consumer [product]

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probably a time-traveling resetting bitch if she managed to corrupt her save

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What a fag. A lost save file is an annoyance, but you move on to another game or you restart. Its really nothing to cry about.

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>100 something hours of a game

The absolute state of simps.

I mean that sucks but why did he type it in such a dramatic way?

I thought they let you backup your saves? No? Lmao are you kidding me?

idk animal crossing both has a big real-time investment and each save file is pretty dynamic, I wouldn't cry like a basedboy but I'd be pretty fucking pissed and probably not play it again

bet she closed the game while it was still saving

This. Time tranny got what it deserves

I'm 30 and never had gf. If I'm miserable and alone then you can't expect me to give a single shit about anyone else on the planet. In fact ideally literally everyone else would be miserable.

>"maybe if I defend her she would love me someday"
>"I'm proud of my good boy points"


There is a backup feature. The dumbass redditor never used it.

Pic related. Since the Gamecube, you could backup saves.

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Karma and the possibility of some gold

Too based for this site

you cant backup your acnh saves because of jewish nintendo

You're dumb, don't enter conversations you know nothing about and act like you're smarter than other people. Nintendo actually specifically disabled it for Animal Crossing to try and prevent cheating.


OPs a faggot but "tragedy"?

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>Just reading the text stirred so many emotions: anger, sadness, shock.
muh gf's animals! I know tens of thousands are dying right now, but I'm literally shaking over here.