Every Souls like not made by FromSoft sucks

>every Souls like not made by FromSoft sucks
Why is this? Why has nobody successfully ripped it off yet? What is FromSoft doing that other devs can’t?

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It sucks

You suck

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*blocks your path*

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It sucks

end your life my man

>it's another Souls-like with co-op but no invasions
Every time.

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Playing Salt and Sanctuary only made me want to play The Dishwasher

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Is it worth playing if I liked S&S? Sell me on this game

Miyazaki has taste

it has a lot of the same assets as S&S (specifically some of the sounds) but it's essentially a fast paced 2D hack and slash with a ton of gore and over the top action
it comes off as really edgy what with all the gore, the story, executions, etc. but if you can get past all that it's a really fun game
there's different weapons you get as you progress across 2 playable characters (each with a slightly different story and order by which they go through the levels)
It uses stages so it's definitely way more linear than S&S but there's still plenty of reason to replay with the Dish Challenge mode, Arcade mode, and unlockable difficulties
I'd say just check out the Steam page, if it looks interesting then pirate it to try it out and if you like it then buy it
also I've never played with a keyboard so I can't say for certain if the PC controls are good

also I forgot to mention that some stages (I don't know if every stage has it) have a cool hidden rhythm minigame

Code Vein?

It sucks

I just started playing this. The only part about the game thats terrible is the diablo loot. Otherwise its basically Dark Souls

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> edgy
Sweet. I'm all about that edge. Which of the two games is better? Dead Samurai or Vampire Smile?

I like Witcher 2-3

Oh shit, looks like Dead Samurai is the first one and it's a 360 exclusive. Do I need to play the original to enjoy the sequel?

Is Verdict Day good?

Not even FromSoft can recapture the magic that was the first Dark souls


>Filters from fags

Yeah, it's interesting.
Started playing Conan Exiles again after I dropped it years ago.
They added this soulslike combat where you target an enemy (as opposed to retard swinging in front of you as it initially was), different weapons have different combos, you can dodge depending on your armor and stats, enemies use all sorts of different attacks... Some bosses even have WoW-like mechanics.
Looks good on paper, great potential, but it falls flat when servers start shitting themselves once they get populated, the hitboxes suck big time, and some animations don't sync properly.

Got bored midway through.

Art style is a bit meh, and it sucks that the game unabashedly revolves around greatswords. Other than that, it is pretty damn solid. Tough enemies and fun metroidvania platforming.

I actually never got around to playing Dead Samurai outside of the demo for it on 360 so I can't reliably say which one is better
I'd say Vampire Smile is easily digestible without having played Dead Samurai, even though it does kind of expect you to know about certain plot points from it.
it's not a huge deal, though, since they get conveyed to you anyways. (If you care a lot about what happened before then I'd recommend playing as The Dishwasher first instead of The Prisoner)
Gameplay-wise though, it doesn't really matter. VS is a direct improvement upon DS in the hack and slash field

Got filtered huh? What a scrub.

For Honor

Nioh is fun but everyone agrees it would be BETTER if it had more to do with Souls than with Diablo and arcadey world map/mission structure shit.

implying that FromSoft makes good games

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They do
They make good games so often they filter their own fanbase
Look how many casuals were seething at LR

Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Nioh > Sekiro > Bloodborne > Remnant from the Ashes > Dark Souls 2 > The Surge 2 > The Surge > Dark Souls 3.
From have made good games but they are far from consistent.

Eh, fuck it, I'm trying it anyway. I've been looking for something new to play ever since I finished the Kindergarten series (which I recommend BTW) Thanks for the tip on playing Dishwasher first.

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I've beaten them all except demons they all suck

When was the last time they made a bad game? Even Dark Souls 2 is better than 90% of modern games.

Ds2 and Ds3 are both mediocre.

NioH 1 and 2 utterly shit on Souls in terms of gameplay, difficulty, and actual character building. You fags genuinely find Fromsoft presentation to be the defining aspect of the games for you. That's literally all it comes down to.

Nioh sucks.

No enemy variety, boring repetitive areas, mission structure, shit loot system

t. non-player
You'd fit well with the faggots at /vr/

combat in Nioh is 100 times better than Dark Souls and hey that's the main focus of both games so it's kind of a big deal

Dark Souls combat is actually very shallow and just plain bad it kind of amazes me that people don't understand this

>they keep porting S&S
>keeps giving me false hope they will do a second game like this one day
Fuck me...

>complaining with a straight face about enemy variety in NioH while defending Souls games


this game is possibly one of the worst of all the soulslikes
absolute bottom-tier gamefeel
it feels like the worst parts of gamemaker and early 2000s flash games

I disagree

And still the best "Soulslike" since Demon's and Dark.

Polish, those other games are just not as polished.

I'm pretty sure From often uses some sort of model-to-hitbox system for their animations that makes everything perfectly aligned where they look like they should, such as that Sekiro webm or several souls ones with players doing emotes and dodging attacks like that.
Devs think they can do simple detections and fail hard to make the game FEEL good.

You have to come to terms with the people who actually think Souls/Bloodborne are the greatest things ever are 7th gen kids who have no experience with games earlier than 7th gen. This is why they think the utterly massive i frames rolls on Souls combined with sluggish enemies is "hard", they genuinely do not know any better.

Picked this up and the level design is abysmal and boring. Didn’t even get to the second part of the map before dropping it

git standards

The game is actually fucking boring. You are like this because muh ps4 exclusive

>Dark Souls combat is actually very shallow and just plain bad

In comparison to Nioh, not really. DS relies on each weapon having its own moveset, stamina cost, etc - while Nioh, at least the first one, has like...5 weapon types? they each function basically the same, with bullshit ass random useless ability generation.

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What even constitutes NioH to be a Souls game, the D Pad item quick menu? Other than that NioH doesn't really compare to Souls gameplay, the stance system alone is lightyears ahead of Souls combat.

It's only been 4 years, and they haven't released any games at all so who's to say their next game won't be similar?

DS3 on the left, Nioh on the right.

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The Surge 2 is better than Dark Souls 3.

Because only shitty indie devs try to copy it. It’s not very hard to copy these games, they don’t even have a lot of content or interaction like TES.

Because the majority define it as such and that's how language works.

Niohfags BTFO

What? Literally everyone agrees that Nioh shits on Souls combat wise

It isn’t about the genre, it’s about actually being competent developers that focus on making good games. Everyone that’s tried to rip off Souls mistakenly thinks Souls is about being hard for the sake of it and being grimdark, and of course no actual effort is ever put into making a ripoff good.

More like Coom Vein

No, Souls gameplay is utterly simplistic and you would actually have to be a fanboy to disagree with this. Weapon stances change your options, recovery, stamina usage per weapon. And really, you're going to say all the weapons in NioH function the same yet Souls is filled with samey weapons that only differ in reach, damage, and attack speed.