If you could exchange your playtime hours to something else like learning a language...

If you could exchange your playtime hours to something else like learning a language, (you would have 609 hours learning a language of your choice or something else like cooking) but you would lose all memory of playing that game would you?

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>lose all memory of playing that game
thats fucking awesome, i don't have 609 hours on undertale but i'd love to play through it again for the first time

Yes, I would for game that ended up fucking me over in the end. Like elite dangerous.

I forget a lot of video games anyway

Yes, I'd give up all the time I've spend playing Pokemon. I don't know the sum of time I've spent on all the games, but I have to guess it's 4 digits. I remember having over 200 hours on my Leafgreen save and that's just one game out of the 10-15 I've played

I have 170 hours in Team Fortress 2 and I haven't touched the game since 2010. Seems like a fine tradeoff

>get a raspberry pi computer or whatever
>get it to run some random game like bad rats
>get 10,000 hours in a single game after a few months
>exchange it for real knowledge
man.... sometimes it sucks being this smart.....

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If I switched in my 2000 hours of playing realm of the mad god (I'm not kidding) i would put it in learning languages

>lose 2000 hours of playing DotA 2
Yes, I don't even need anything in return, just fucking remove this stain from my past.

losing my memory of a game is already a good thing on its own so yeah I'd totally sacrifice thousands of hours of playtime across all my favorite game to gain some knowledge
but before that I'd write myself a list of which games are must-plays and pre-install them
big win-win

Yeah I have 20K hours in GW2. I went full NEET after losing a job, a fiance, my mind.

I could be like language nigger jesus by now.

I'll exchange my 1k+ hours of DBD for programming lessons

Language or music
Can this be towards multiple things?


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>only having 170 hours in tf2

onlyyyyy 1

I have 1100 hours on tf2 myself, and I would gladly give it up for knowledgeof properly insulting cykas on dota

i would trade this all to learn japanese in a heartbeat.

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would trade this to learn french or something lol, god damn this sucks.

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>learn a new language AND get to replay my favorite games for the first time?
Where do I sign up?

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I have spent over 600 hours learning a language. It was a complete waste of time. Give me video games instead.

Please take the 15 years of wow from me

over 1k on overwatch, i would like to spend that learning how to kill myself

In a heartbeat


if given the ability I would exchange all my memories of vidya for something with an actual application or value.
>trying to think about how many hours I wasted on vidya through my life instead of getting fit earlier, making memories, or doing something with tangible results
it hurts

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Obviously I would
Doing something with those quadrillion hours would be actually useful
Losing memory of the game would make me able to reexperience it all again
It's a win win situation.

hell yeah I would

The most I have in a single videogame is probably Dark Souls, around 200 hours over several systems.

To be honest, no. I enjoyed myself a lot. I've already tried learning a language, it's really a fucking drag. Got plenty of other skills, made some (crappy) games myself. I've got plenty of time. No social life though.

geometry dash

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>convert 1000 hours of tf2 to 1000 hours of japanese learning
>i would now barely know hiragana

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i would trade my thousands of hours i've sunk into pokemon games over the years for something useful, like computer programming and coding

nigga wtf

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is this you

i would take half the time ive played in all video games and put it into coding so i can make my own

>over 3k hours in runescape
Yeah, I should be about halfway to mastering japanese

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Why are you losers filled with so much inherent self-loathing and regret
If you really wanted to learn a language or whatever you would have done it

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I'd forget all my 1400 hrs in csgo + 1800 in css on music desu, all the fun and memories gone.

There are people with 8k+ hours in this.

don't falseflag with my wife faggot

i know, im friends with some actually

yes i played way too much ARK considering i stopped before it was officially released in june 2015
admittedly it was good fun but i have fuck all to show for it

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