Technology bad

>technology bad
>environment good

Attached: Mother 3.jpg (600x600, 25.83K)

>capitalism bad

>pigs bad


Yeah unironically though

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>blonde fat child bad
>blonde country child good

Unironically yes to all these. In fact whenever I ask for a counter argument I get wojaks and fallacies.


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>aliens bad
>violence good

Because that's all your pinko reddit worldview deserves.

Yes, that is a simplified premise. Are you saying it's a bad thing?

Oh and buzzwords, how could I forget the buzzwords.

I'm sorry that you have a double digit IQ and love voting against your own interests to promote your favorite jew millionaire.

Yes, and?

Buzzword is a buzzword at this point, I see it used to discredit just about anything you feel like.

Stick to your cuck fanfics on Yas Forums, zoomer.

Can this Mother thread be salvaged at this point?

Ah, a Yas Forumstranny. Keep crying that I'm never gonna pay for your faggot drugs.

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I like Mother 3, but I feel like a lot of the game is forced, especially the "emotional" moments

Based Uncle Ted

Technology is bad.

Yet is was the magic dragon that (nearly) killed everyone. Really makes you think.

>environment good
>one of the first things you witness is tazmily being engulfed in flames and being helpless
Not saying your wrong, but they kinda show that being completely environmental is bad too

I doubt anyone is so ”completely environmental” that they want to protect forest fires

mother threads havent been salvageable ever since a certain someone streamed 3


What system has lifted more people out of poverty than capitalism? Since all Communist despots aren't true Communism, what's an example of Communism done right?

Who cares the aliens have probes so far up everyone’s asses that metal schpniters could come out

Go to California. They are so against any intervention that they prevent cleansing fires that occur naturally, and instead let all that kindling and fuel to amass until they get a hellfire inferno that melts cars and the people in them.

Capitalism (with reasonable regulations at times) has historically been proven to just work; it's done so for centuries. It isn't perfect, but many of the alternative solutions suggested expect a certain amount of altruism and cooperation from people, so the usual outcome is millions starving.

>but many of the alternative solutions suggested expect a certain amount of altruism and cooperation from people
And in Mother 3 this is exactly what's happening until they introduce capitalism and everything goes to shit. Your point? It's obviously idealistic in the in-game world they perfectly achieved that.

idealistic but in the in-game world*

Not the Communist Simp, but isn't it amazing how Communism relies on everyone to be paragons of altruism, while capitalism expects people to be shitty. Think about that, communism falls apart if people cheat; but capitalism does just fine if they do, and does better if they don't.