Why the fuck were you allowed to get him before the elite 4...

Why the fuck were you allowed to get him before the elite 4? Outrage was literally one shotting everyone with just a base 70 raquaza you just get with the masterball

Do people seriously think gen 3 is the best? It's already out of the debate now due to having a fucking joke of an elite 4

Attached: 384Rayquaza.png (360x450, 134.46K)

Pokemon sucks


You couldn't get him before beating the e4 in Ruby and Sapphire.

Pokemon was never hard. Gen 3 is super comfy with secret bases and tons of nature you had to get upgrades to navigate around

>using the masterball on Fug
Better off saving that for after the E4 when Latios/Latias are wandering everywhere

gen 3 debuted metagross, the most based pokemon game freak has ever made.

Under leveled Slakoth could wipe out the Elite 4 with only a bit of help.

Pokemon Sucks.

You weren't, in Ruby and Sapphire. The superior versions.

Stupid question from a used to be stupid kid where were you supposed to go to catch him

Sky Pillar, east of Pacifalog town, at the very top of the tower after some mach bike maneuvering.

>Eon pokemon

Something tells me those pokemon are supposed to be either from Latin or Greek origin. The ios kind of gives it away and makes me think they're greek or at least from the Balkans. It would also explain the triangle mark on their chest, being delta. I also saw that on the Togepi line so there must be some kind of connection since they were known to exist in ancient history. They're also known to be sensitive pokemon hence the Fairy and Psychic typing. Theory of course.

They're Dragon you absolute subhuman.

Gen 3 is the best though.
Yes, but it has potential to not suck if Nintendo ever buys out Gamefreak's share in the IP and develops the games themselves.

Right but I'm referring to Togepi being the Fairy type. The eon pokemon are Psychic/Dragon. My point was more centered on the idea they were all very sensitive to states of mind in people Togepi a lot more than the dragons. It could be they were all from the same place in origin somehow.

>m-muh balance
Are you fucking retarded? You can literally beat the game by over-leveling a literal team of route 1 pokemons, it doesn'teven take that much time either.

Matter of fact, I know I'm bullshitting at this point but Togepi's name could come from Toge as in together and pi which happens to be a greek letter.

Because Emerald had the Battle Frontier which couldn't even use him in. At best you could be a chode a enjoy an hour of shitting on the E4 before the postgame forces you to get gud again.

Hold on, I heard it's name was supposed to come from the Japanese word for horn and pi being the sound a chick makes. Dammit, thought I was on to something.

I dropped new releases but I've been hearing some serious negative reception on the latest ones. What's so shit about them exactly? I don't plan on playing them obviously but I'm really curious what's caused such a stink. Is it online only or something?

I know the ios in the eon pokemon is supposed to be a greek island and in the anime they were introduced in the movie in an island but more in tune with Italy's Venice. It's like they mixed shit or something.

I don't get why people hate oras so much.

They cut out a lot of Pokémon from the game altogether. Know how in previous gens if a pokemon wasn’t available in game, it’s data still was so you could trade it in or hack it? New gen doesn’t even have the data.

The new DLC they announced, surprise surprise, includes some of the cut pokemon.

They also didn’t advertise the dex cut in Japan, apparently.

>tfw my emerald internal battery died and I'm afraid I'll fuck up a replacement

Exactly. In my case I was just 1 shotting everything with my starter while bringing a few hm slaves.

Because it's a casual baby game for casual babies what the fuck kind of question is this? Who the FUCK plays pokemon for the challenge?

What the fuck? Like a PAID DLC?


I've been thinking of playing Crystal. Can I get a rundown on the differences from G/S? Is it superior?

It’s almost like hoenn is kinda based off Greek island woah

Fairy didn’t exist in gen 3 retard

Randomizer fags
Nuzelocke fags

Lol, it does now.
