Open World Games

The meme that completely killed gaming.

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It's just not done properly.
It's a difficult thing to do properly.

Why do people form opinions on stuff they don't really understand?

The complexity of open world games truly is a hard thing to grasp.

Lol shut the fuck up, faggot.

god Witcher 3 was so good

If you're talking about an AC "open world" checklist simulator, I see why you'd hate it, but the one that sparked it off was nothing like that. Radiant Quests aside the game was filled to the brim with unique content and adventures to discover. It's major issue is bugs, not being an open world. Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind are arguably prime examples of open world done right. Witcher 3 as well, and several others over the years. The problem was never open world, but companies jumping on the open world band wagon after Skyrim's success who never wanted to make them, but it was the new popular thing that prints money so everyone's doing it. The problem you have is the same problem that existed with their prior obsession which was hyper linear corridor based cover shooters that lasted 2-6 hours. That was just as bad in the opposite direction.

Open world games are fine, but not every dev can, or should, make a open world, and not every game type benefits from it.

>major issue is bugs
and map markers and quest markers everywhere and the minimap and the UI. Did I mention that Geralt adopted a daughter?

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>games that have a map that can fill into a screenshot
>open world

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>all that garbage
lol cringe
thanks for proving me right

You're doing it right now faggot.

>Did I mention that Geralt adopted a daughter?
You can let her die.

When does BDO get gud? I sort of stopped playing at the first town because the usual MMO reasons (no story, no gameplay loop, crap combat, all customisation is paid for, grind for numbers, crafting sucks, worker system is timegating Xtreme, everyone is playing solo, PvP doesn't exist, no group activities, visual direction is weeb-tastic, a finely crafted character creation tool which everyone uses to make plastic polygons and pink hair) and I'd like to know if it gets better.

Wow I guess SA isn't an open world game.

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I kek'd so much. Yas Forums doesn't know how to play vidya, lol

every point there is bs that only total newbies make because they can't be bothered to google their information first. you're like a monkey with a keyboard

Doesn't matter. What matters is Geralt purposely adopted a daughter, then fed her and read her bed time stories. Nothing will make it better.

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So it does get better?

the only problem is that they add these map markers for completionist retards who blindly go from marker to marker finishing things they find boring then complain the game sucks

What does this have to do with open worlds? The books were literally just fairy tales written in tongue-in-cheek grimdark Polish, it had wackiness coming out its ears. Geralt killed the Beauty to save the Beast and your problem with the series is The Law of Surprise?

They're fine, my problem is when a marker is simply repetitive. Witcher 3 had that problem in Skellige.

Is Witcher 3 really open world though? The devs pussied out of doing level-scaling and railroaded the experience using the Level system.

it does, and not only you don't need to buy anything with rl money you have so much things to do that even after 2k hours you wouldn't have done everything there is to do.

Witcher 3 worked because it did not have the absolute trash mechanics that usually come with open worlds
>mindless grinding
>uninteresting worlds
and the worst of all
>level scaling

Original Skyrim map suck

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It's a le cuck meme faggot, ignore him

Seems like you guys bitch about map being littered with icons rather than actual the open world aspect itself.

I might muscle my way through the early game then. Ta.

I'm not going to try and make sense of the righty tighty fixation with cucks, but they do know Yennefer isn't Ciri's mother, right?

And there's literally nothing wrong with a Man, specially a esterile man, adopting and raising a girl that's not biologically tied to him

There's nothing wrong with open world games, they are still amazing if done right. The problem is when it's all filler content and large for the sake of flexing its size. Ghost Recon is a good example of it being done poorly (as are most Ubisoft games). The landscape isn't interesting, it's just large, so traversing it is boring and you are just going toward objective after objective with the goal of completing and list, instead of taking in the world around you. RDR2 and BOTW do it right. Traversing the world is actually enjoyable, everything you do has you take in the world around you. The world is front and center and it's more than just a large landscape of objective markers. I never feel like the map size is a burden, I love all the sights, sounds and sensations the world gives off while playing through the game. It's too bad open world has become a cash grab meme because it used to be something magical in gaming.

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How is a 2004 game better at doing open world than fucking GTA V

prices for game development had yet to become the target of huge investors that artificially inflated the prices at the start of the HD era