Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake sales?

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Very poor for a game like that


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That is not an argument user. Try again.

Why should I care about the sales of a game?
Also, it says shipped and digitally sold, not simply sales, so at the very least you can do is not push marketing propaganda.


3.5 million in 3 days is record breaking by all accounts

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Not for FF7R, it did worse than XV and worse than animal crossing
the PS4 has a huge install base more than switch and more than when XV came out
This should have been a 6M+

FF7 would and should pull 10 million on release if Square Enix weren’t failures for 15 years running.

>comparing this to a house wife bait gardening sim

>Both are video games
So ?

Game flopped so hard SE are now suing people if they upload the ending on youtube, they were not doing that on day 1 only now that they have the pretty bad sales numbers they are doing it because they know people fucking hate the ending and they want to trick people into buying their homosexual sephiroth fanfiction

Animal Crossdressing is more in line with Farmville than FF7. Fuck off back to your school girl "games".

Nice of you to ignore the XV comparison.
Why did the most anticipated game of all time do wore than the gayest looking FF ever.

3.5 million in 3 days is HUGE you retard. FFXV has 9 million over several years. By the time FFVIIR has been years out the sales will have topped ten million easily

Why even bring up Animal Crossdressing though? You just come off a massive nintentranny.

Its huge compared to a small game
Its bad compared to even FFXV, and FF7R took much more time to make
Its a flop, at the very best it underperformed no matter how you slice it
XV sold 5M in 3 days by the way, with a smaller PS4 install base and less hype

It's doing better than Spider Man PS4 which is now at 20+ million sold.

Because it released around the same time so you cant use the muh corona excuse.

I should hope so, spiderman was shit

Yeah good luck with that
FF7R has nothing but bad word of mouth since it came out, sales are going to tank hard

Stop seething little nincel. I'm sure sales is how you justify playing a casual tranny bait "game".

Why are Nintentrannies so assblasted that Shitch is getting ignored by devs?

Lmao didn't 15, the worst ff after 13, sell 5 million in one day?

Shipped not sold. Retailers bought a lot of copies but customers didn't actually buy them. They had shit loads of copies in excess and starting selling the game in bargain bins at a heavily reduced price.

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loved the game, will never touch the original again. It's superior in every way. Looking forward to whats next.

glad its achieving success

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I dont have a switch
I bought this scam and Im extremely burned and angry at SE and nomura
So Im going to be happy when it flopped

Stay crying nintentranny

Greedy company making money with a rip-off.

Sure man whatever, this abortion will be forgotten soon anyways
Hope you enjoyed your 70IQ console warring shitposting

You mean Animal Crossdressing?