It just feels....soulless

It just feels....soulless.

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you want soul?
hitman absolution

>Haha bald man goes funny kill

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I'm thinking about getting this and the first one but I keep hearing it's shit. Why is it so bad?

>Absolution is railroaded garbage
>Blood Money's levels are great but the controls were designed by a retarded mule
Which of these games are actually made properly?

The epitome of style over substance.
Big levels, filled with npcs, yet it still feels empty.

Can't really put a finger on it, but it's just not good.

Absolution is the best in the series.

absolution is the only hitman game made with a proper budget
voiced characters, high quality OST, beautiful levels


nuHitman are unironnically good. They are the closest to Bloodmoney design, they just lack the feel. nuHitman is more James Bond/Spy thriller than a Hitman game actually.

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I bought the first reimagined hitman when the levels were sold piece meal and it made my brain literally unable to care about or pay for hitman ever again. Even if I wanted to I could not force myself to consider a new hitman game. It made me believe in the field of psychology. I actually cannot care about hitman 2.


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the funny thing about plebs on the internet is that you desperately hide behind the masses while patting yourself on the back
you begged for the "new blood money"
you got it
and nobody's fucking playing it

many such cases of fanshits begging for shit they don't even want, and it all comes down to you basically being a sheep with shit taste
if you can't see why Absolution is a great game, I don't have to say shit, you've already outed yourself as lowIQ

If no one can actually give you a solid answer as to why they feel the way they do about something it, in all likelihood, just means they're retarded contrarians. The game is great, don't bother buying the first 1 since 2 has a dlc pack with all it's levels and progress doesn't transfer between games. The level of freedom you have in every level is incredible, even by the series's own standards.

What is this new wave of retardation of pretending Absolution was actually a good game?
I know Hitman threads are starved for content but this is not the way to go about it.

>don't bother buying the first 1 since 2 has a dlc pack with all it's levels and progress doesn't transfer between games.
While that's true HITMAN 1 tends to be cheaper than that DLC when both go on sale. So you might as well buy it anyway to unlock the levels in 2 for cheaper (there's also some things 1 does better than 2 but they're small enough that you're not going to miss them if you didn't play 1).

Underwhelming, undercooked level.

Absolution is starting to hit that age where anons who played it when they were preteens are feeling nostalgic for it and will vehemently defend it instead of acknowledging their own shit taste as a kid. It happens to any bad game that was somewhat popular.

What did it lack in your opinion

The game feels off because they cater to SASO fags and because the games have this glamorous spy thriller feel going for them instead of being dirtier and grittier like the old games, but they're not bad by any means.

They're perfectly worth your time and you'll have fun playing them if you like Hitman. It may lack finer things like the more visceral feel of readying your fiber wire to choke someone being replaced with a button prompt when you're behind someone and melee being a glorified QTE, but the levels are pretty well designed, with multiple routes and ways to play with your targets to try out different kill methods.
I'd say Hitman 2 feels a little more budgety than 1, with maps being bigger but emptier and not as polished, but they're still good levels.
You should grab the free Starter Pack and give it a go for yourself.

there it is, the sad brainlet's projection
I bet you do actually sit there all day and worry about what "taste" you had as a kid like it matters

Absolution is a high quality game anyway.

Something like sewers to travel around and more houses being enterable would be good ones, imo.
I'd say it needs to have more going on in general but I get that they're going for the sleepy, idyllic suburban town where nothing ever happens but the level feels lacking, with parts of it feeling fairly disconnected.

Blood Money is still my favorite, but 2016 and 2018 are excellent

blood money shits on this game, what a fucking downgrade

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this is why you don't ask idiots on the internet for opinions
you can't even come up with anything legitimately interesting when put on the spot, but still run your mouth rating things

It's already easy as fuck to get around unnoticed, additional travel paths would have made it stupidly simple.

You really proved me wrong there.

What is downgraded from Blood Money?

>It just feels....soulless.
it has good gameplay but they really shit the bed on atmosphere and music. the only music where it actual felt like it wasn't phoned in was sgail and the game tries way to hard to be funny.

You can't throw your gun at people.


It feels that way when you first try it because the levels are huge and there are so many more options. Once you get into it though, it captures that feeling from the older ones.

you proved yourself wrong
>l-level feeel "undercooked"
>oh yeah, how would you improve it?
you're a fucking chimp buddy
let the people who make games for a living do their job and stop vomiting your idiotic bullshit on the internet you uncreative sack of garbage

Man, Absolution was shit, and is still shit. They tried to get both Call of Duty and Splinter Cell fandoms while doing a Daddy issues stroyline like The Last of Us instead of the conspiracy world wide Deus Ex type of storytelling.

You want atmosphere ? Play Contracts, zoomzoom.

Yeah I grew up with all the Hitmans, but something about the new one just puts me off.. I really can't explain why. The game is gorgeous and controls well. Maybe my spirit and patience is just broken.

In what ways?

>you can't even come up with anything legitimately interesting
Maybe we should accept the fact that a suburban town is not an interesting setting in the first place.
People love to talk about how good A New Life was but anything that isn't the house itself is completely pointless outside of that one treehouse.

I was going to attack you for having such a trash opinion, but you hit that area transition.