Just finished it. I don’t get the hate. I mean sure it’s little overrated and the gameplay isn’t groundbreaking, but everything else about it stacks up well. And the gameplay isn’t bad, in fact it’s good, just not perfect or great.
Just finished it. I don’t get the hate. I mean sure it’s little overrated and the gameplay isn’t groundbreaking...
Yeah I agree
Try it again on Grounded when you get the chance someday. It turns it into a very good survival horror game.
Yeah I fell for the meme too and there's not much difference once you get gud at being sneaky
Now get ready for Neil Cuckmann to shit all over with TLOU2.
is TeW2 actually the same game?
It's a "movie" game, so Yas Forums feels obligated to hate it. Also there's a lesbian so it's obviously SJW trash even though it never comes up in the main game.
It's the sequel Resident Evil 4 deserved but never got. The director even said RE4 was one of his biggest inspirations for the game BTW. And I never got the SJW complaints either. The only "SJW" thing in it is girls kissing, which Yas Forums loves when it's anime. I'm convinced Yas Forums hates it more because the devs say stupid shit on twitter than because any content that's actually in the game. In fact, I'd be surprised if most of them even played the game at all.
When japanese games have girls kissing, it's hot. When western games do it, it's sjw agenda.
Are you me? Just finished it as well. Worried about the sequel now.
But that's exactly it, user: The game is just "alright". It's average as fuck in it's entirety, yet it's somehow been conceived as the greatest achievement in interactive media since the beginning of time. THAT'S the puzzling part.
The stealth and crafting did nothing for me and the firefights were pretty unimpressive. Levels didn't really carry it anything, outside of a few open-ended encounters that still relied on stealth far too much for me.
Just found it boring. Maybe it's alright to some people.
We've already had a Resident Evil 4 with cover shooting, it was called Resident Evil 5.
I didn't really understand what Yas Forums meant by movie games until I played this. It's just okay. The gameplay is pretty bland. All it leads up to is a hospital shootout which isn't any more difficult than anything thrown so far. The only interesting segment of the game was when you actually had to stealth around as Ellie. It's not really hate for me but more just a waste of time.
5.5/10. If I wanted a PS3 game with a guy protecting a little girl I'd play Nier Gestalt since it at least has good music.
You literally just described the issue in your post.
The game is okay but it's also overrated.
everyone on Yas Forums just pretends to hate TLoU1 now because of the reveal trailer of 2 turning Ellie into a dyke being in love with an ugly jew
the sequel is shaping up to be retarded shit but TLoU1 was bretty gud, not "10/10 amazing masterpiece transcends the medium" like everyone pretends it does but it's definitely a great game. Looks great too, I played the original PS3 release and it still holds up fairly well for a game that went for realism.
It was KINO.
Playing a game for the story is like eating a soup for the spoon
The generic plot about the girl get bitten but never turn herself into a zombie and claims she might be the cure was cheap, we've seen this too many times.
it's alright but it doesn't excel at anything, except grafix I guess. combat is fine, multiplayer is fine, story is trash but engaging enough on a first playthrough. some nice set pieces but not as good as uncharted. replaying the game feels like a chore with all the unskippable walk and talk shit.
it's just not a game that's worth discussion, really. and it sure as shit didn't need DLC or a sequel. and the fact that people are actually citing it as inspiration is just sad considering how unoriginal and uninspired the game is.
Yas Forums is so stupid about this game. Just because you dont like Druckmann doesnt mean you have to hate it. Game is great.
I agree. People loved to shit on it since most of the original praise came from people who don't understand that a good game ≠ good movie, and people felt the need to counteract that with constant hate.
But it's not actively bad. It's just really not interesting or groundbreaking in any substantive way.
i hate it because it was a waste of a good engine they made.
everything was short bursts of scripted gameplay in smaller, enclosed areas between mandatory walking-and-talking sections.
also -- some fans are just so unread and uncultured to pretend as if this was the first time a sad death happened in a piece of media -- or all the old tropes they found as "fresh and new;" "humans are actually the bad guys in the monster apocalypse!" is one of them. rather than the game itself, i worried about the new crowd to video games that got into video games -- and games of this style as well -- because creativity fell down the hole even more after this game because almost every other AAA game tries to be like it now.
multiplayer fixed everything when it was live player vs. player, and it allowed their really nice engine to shine
campaign 6.5/10; multiplayer 8.5/10
multiplayer fixed everything when it was live player vs. player
You mean pre-teen interracial lesbian relationship. I guess kids really are mature enough to consent, right?
>I don’t get the hate. I mean sure it’s little overrated and the gameplay isn’t groundbreaking
Did you not read your own post? The game at best is just that. Ok. Even the story is just your stereotypical zombie survival story where surprise, the humans were the real monsters all along. The game just succeeded cause the ps3 literally had >no gaems and it came out during the zombie craze that was real popular at the time due to The Walking Dead and shit.
it's fine, nothing more, nothing less
now Factions? that was fucking ludo until the smoke bomb loadout micropurchase that made the multiplayer LITERALLY p2w
Fair call, and I agree. I think the “hate” just stems from the movie meme. It was the flavour of the month for all the salty xtards to rip on. All in all it’s a very competent game, unfortunately made by narcissistic mastabotry SJWs.
At most they kissed. It's the apocalypse, let the little lesbos eat each other & scissor.
You are such an unbelievable faggot.
no it didn't. the hype surrounding this game was huge and it let some people down. sometimes, you just have to take a step back and accept that not everyone will like what you like. i can't believe i'm explaining this right now
Revisionism, TLOU has always been hated for being a shitty movie game
So can you actually refute my point or are you just crying like a little bitch? Either tell me where I’m wrong or neck yourself you fucking mongoloid nigger.
You are too stupid to engage with in a meaningful way. Just a miserable tool & unrelenting fuckwit.
TLoU fans, everyone; tail tucked between their legs.
One doesn't have to be a fan of Last of Us to point out your banality & gross intellectual impairment.
So you’re retarded? End yourself as a favor to society.
Before I tell you to go back, using a thesaurus doesn’t make you anymore intelligent tranny
>Even the story is just your stereotypical zombie survival story where surprise, the humans were the real monsters all along.
That's certainly a theme but not the main story. Why are tlou haters so grugbrained?
Look at you desperately flailing around Impotently. Your limp wrists thrashing to-and-fro. Your loose anus struggling to clench.
OMG I LIKE TOTALLY cried when the daughter died and the zombies are so icky and gross!!! Sometimes I’m too scared to play because the game gets creepy and it’s also hard even though I play on normal! Xbox players wouldn’t understand.
And to think, you're even more cringe than the people you mock.
Lmao I can tell you’re seething because you thumb-fuddled your phone and let it capitalize some of your words, why don’t you just do yourself a favor and go back?