

This mentioned the Trials of Mana spirits back then and a Hollow Knight mii Sword fighter... but LOL? do they have an incoming game that can come to Nintendo?

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This would be fucking awesome

League of Fighters is probably going to be on Smash. Maybe that autowhatever mobile game they have.

How would you make singed a fighting game character

I'm trying to decide if a Riot rep is better or worse than a Blizzard rep

Riot is making a fighting game with LOL characters

Honestly? I'd be cool with it. The game is trash, but it's always had interesting characters.
Not sure who I would be most excited for, but there's a lot of options.

>chinese characters
>in smash
No and have sex.

if a LoL character makes it into smash, it better not be fucking ahri. i hopefully want based revenge man pyke to grace smash.

and Ahri seems featured

SNK is owned by a Chinese company

Both would feel similar, but I think i'd dislike a LoL character less but I wouldn't hate either. And this is coming from a LoL player. Also it be either Jinx or Ahri.

Her, Lux, Ezreal, or Garen would be my first guesses.
Couldn't say how accurate I would be though since I haven't played since 2012.

There is absolutely no way it would be Jinx with that outfit.

Remove Terry when?

ez is ok if you want to see a lightweight link run around. garen's just too basic. lux is riot's cash cow so it better not be her. if a league character makes it to smash, it's gotta be a popular champ with unique mechanics for smash. hence why pyke should make it in.

who the fuck is terry

Naw it be Teemo.

It's going to be annie or teemo.

This isn't happening, but those are are the most likely.

>teemo's special blinds enemies
>jabs are unable to hit you

Well I mean they ARE making LoL Wild Rift which is for consoles and mobile phones.

I mean Ekko's got his own game in the works, also his time mechanics are pretty cool. If we get any LoL champs in Smash I'd want him.

Wild Rift is console/mobile League. They could easily port Runeterra and TFT. That fighting game will more than likely come.

i'd honestly be impressed and disgusted if sakurai picks teemo for smash. dude's gonna be a nightmare day 1.

Here's a question:if true, no doubt the stage will be Summoners Rift. Aside from champion cameos, how will the stage play out?

Ahri could have an attraction mechanic/move that makes a character walk towards her for 1 or 2 secs

ekko honestly needed that game. his lore is one of the best among the new champs post-season 4. he could be a great smash character too.

I love and main Jinx, but I sadly agree she wouldn't get in simply due to her outfit. She's even less clothed than Mai from Fatal Fury/King of Fighters. Vi would have a better chance if we're considering these two for marketing the upcoming 'Arcane' animated series coming later this year.

Ahri is a safer bet and has a pretty neat moveset for Smash. Boomerang-like projectiles, dash special, and a charm would be an interesting addition. She also is one of the brand's core mascots.

But this is the internet, so the entire thing is probably bullshit anyway.

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>HK is just gonna be a costume
expected but still disappointed

Dragons fly by and change the effects of the background based on their type.

b kills eneimes with more than 60%