I have one and it just sits there. What is there to play on this machine that isn't indiestuff or ports I've already played before?
Is anything coming out?
Is SMTV happening?
Pikmin 3?
New Paper Mario?
Or should I sell it because of the shortage?
I have one and it just sits there...
>Is SMTV happening?
Not for a while
>Pikmin 3?
>New Paper Mario?
Do your own research and make a decision like a big boy.
>selling a console you already bought
Why do people do this. Just sit on it until something you do want comes out. I have a switch, a ps4 and a PC and I'm not playing things on all of them at the same time. Just get games you want to play chill
Dragon Quest XI. Come back after the 200 hours it takes and I'll suggest something else.
Smash and Pokken are literally the only games I play on this. Its well worth it just for those two but if you care about playing other good games you should probably save your money.
Nothing t b h I'm in the same situation. I've been pretty disappointed by Nintendo's output. It feels like all they do is ports and rehashes nowadays. The only new IP's they've made are online multiplayer shit like Splattoon and Arms that I'm not interested in. I was hoping that the Switch would be a renaissance where they introduce a bunch of new IPs like the Gamecube, but it just isn't.
>Paper Mario
I used to think Metroidfags were insufferable, but you guys are far worse. I hope both series stay dead. At least F-Zero niggers have the decency to no longer bring it up.
I'm a Pikmin fan and even I half hope it stays dead after Pikmin 3 and Hey Pikmin. No need to dig up the corpse and piss on it a third time.
But pikmin 3 was good....
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Maker 2
Luigi's Mansion 3
Astral Chain
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Pokèmon Sword/Shield
Kirby Star Allies
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Splatoon 2
Tetris 99
Ring Fit Adventure
Golf Story
RF5, Bayo 3, BotW 2, NMH3, SMTV and MP4 all coming... eventually.
If I were you, I'd DEFINITELY sell it. By the time you want another one, it will be back to normal price.
Seeing as no one has asked yet, pic and fucking timestamp.
Shit should be mandatory in these threads at this point given how many people like to bullshit about owning things.
I tried it and the game looks like shit on the switch.
It's for the best that the Paper Mario series stays dead sadly, just look at the last two attempts to see why.
I hate to be that guy, but they completely casualized it and removed any semblance of challenge or tension. Lock on and charge attack should never have been a thing. The old games had awesome tense battles where you risked losing significant pikmin even when battling normal enemies. In 3, anything can be killed with ZL+B, and no enemies have attacks that can kill a bunch of Pikmin at once. There's no wollywog tier enemies that can kill 50 Pikmin in one attack if you fuck up. Oh yeah, and the timer is utterly meaningless since fruit is so easy to get, and they got rid of caves. And added loading zones in the overworld instead of one unified map. And the levels didn't even feel significantly bigger than Pikmin 1 and 2.
Yeah you don't have a switch.
I'm not OP, I'm playing AC right now, but nice cope.
funny how whenever someone suggests games for the switch, the alleged owner has magically played every single game in existence and no games other than mario count
>I'm not OP so I'll answer for him!
You're not fooling anyone OP.
I always provide and the thread always dies immediately before I get actual advice. Fuck off.
My problem is that the games suffer the same problems as games on other systems. You'd think it would be a pioneer and avoid all the problems of the PS4 and Xbox, but if anything it's openly embraced them all. Pay2play online, shoddy internet connections, season passes, DLC, microtransactions in the form of amiibos, and this is of course not even getting into the games themselves being generally poor quality. If someone touts a games sales at any point in a discussion, or they mention the metacritic, I instantly discard the game as shit because I refuse to listen to a sheep who needs to be told what to think by game journalists. I thought we had learned by now that popularity doesn't equal quality, but I guess a thousand FIFA and Madden rehashes just weren't enough examples.
>last two attempts
I completely forgot color splash existed. It just kinda came and went. At least sticker star got alot of attention, albeit for the wrong reasons
Sure you do buddy. Now post it or get the fuck out.
This amount of sales and what a retard critic says means nothing the constant streak of capeshit movies so show you normalfags are retarded sheep
I'll give you one from December. Anything else you can fuck off. Not doing it.
>looks like shit
Looks just fine. Looks even better than BotW or almost any other game. But if you're that obsessed with graphics, then yeah. The switch isn't for you. Sell it.
>I'll give you one from December
In-fucking-valid. Get the fuck out of here and kill yourself while you're at it.
Give me a list of good games or get the fuck out.
Not until you produce a time stamped image with today's date you nigger.
>I will just post one someone else did
Ask nicely.
Please, kill yourself?
This post proofs or neck yourself retard
This is how every thread should be until an image is produced.
>still no timestamp
Fucking die.
Post my game list, slave.
Niggerfaggot kisses inspector gadget shat out brown bricks but he said I only enjoy yellow piss
So no games then?
This piece of junk is the new nogames machine?
Nah, AC looks amazing on it. The style DQ11 chose looks like shit, that blend of cartoonish looking pseudo realism. Even DQB2 looks great on the switch, if the switch version had the style of it or the 3DS version it'd look great.
It's not bad but it is blurry. I just wish switch games could at the very least maintain native res in handheld.