So has anyone on this board actually played this

so has anyone on this board actually played this
I'm about 6 hours in and loving it so far

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>play games
Where the FUCK do you think you are? Nigger

I like it, although I don't play for long stretches because I'm a fatass who gets worn out and sweaty fast.

I just want to talk about the video games I play and enjoy faggot

I'm in the same boat - I only really play for an hour at a time before my feet start to hurt
it's weird, I can stand and walk around at work for eight hours a day with no issues

Played it in 2-3 hour chunks. Loved it.
the ending made me so happy that Valve has confidence again

Where is the HL:A SLAYER
I miss him

I'm tempted to grab a set for this and then some other games, but I fear my options aren't very good, as Valve Index is too pricey, I was considering Reverb and Cosmos.

We don’t play video games, we just talk about them

the index, unfortunately, is truly the best option available
you truly do get what you pay for
if you're on a budget and you can get your hands on one, the oculus rift s is an excellent choice - only downside is the involvement of facebook
I personally own the vive, original rift, and the index now - there is a massive power gap between the index and everything else I've tried

Got an index as part of the wave from a month or however long back
Played it, loved it, autistically made some of my family and gf play it
They all get nauseous immediately from VR, whereas I could hop right into Hot Dogs Horseshoes and Hand Grenades with joystick movement right away and rocket jump around in Meat Fortress just fine
Love HL:A but the timeline fuckery soils it if you ask me
Can anyone even explain what the fuck is happening in the story now? I've seen a few pics on here that tried to explain it but it still didn't make any sense to me

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I beat it a few days ago. One of my favourite games of all time. It’s so stylish and atmospheric and has some brilliant gunplay moments. Story and ending are great too, I think it has potential for some even cooler multidimensional fuckery in the games now.

It's great. Enjoy it.

Get a rift S instead of the cosmos

I dropped it once I got into the vault

>nausea from VR
This seems to be more normal than a lot of people like to let on. Funny enough, I only get uncomfortable and nauseated from the "accesible" options (snap turns, FOV limiters, fade to black, etc.). Playing through Alyx and other titles like Onward, I'm full smooth movement and smooth turning.

I think it's something you just get used to. Although smooth turning can still get to me if it isn't really fast. I try to turn IRL as much as possible instead.

Will VR headsets ever become cheaper in the future?

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Did anyone else find that one hideout with pieces of a smashed/destroyed combine mask? There were books and stuff and I think it was implied it was a combine soldier that went rogue. I wonder if there was a bigger implication.

>Alyx works for G-man
>Eli Vance is alive
>Episode 2 ending is retconned
>Gordan's next game is in VR
Where do we even go from here?
Will HL3 be slow shit like Alyx?
When are getting some good Source 2 mods?

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if you already have a PC to run VR well, I feel that $400 is a paltry sum for a decent headset
compare that to other high end peripherals like a nice keyboard/mouse or a couple of higher resolution/refresh rate monitors and it's really not that far off
I would expect entry level sets to drop in price within the next couple of years, or for second hand sets to become more common, but I think there's always going to be a premium-level set like the index currently is

Unavailable anywhere.

I figured that was the hideout of the scientist, right?

i've played it


Seems like we're going to find out a lot more about G-man.

It was fun, but there really isn't that much to discuss about it. The reloading system made me really want a revolver, super shotty or maybe a break action grenade launcher.

Agreed wholeheartedly. After playing other games like Onward and H3, I would love Valve's take on their own weapons with proper reloading and alt-fire systems. I can only hope that mods for Source 2 bring it to life.

I'm leaving it installed after finishing it purely because mod support was confirmed. Has there been any info on when the workshop patch is coming?

>so has anyone on this board actually played this
lol no.

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retarded comparison, as usual

lol WHEN they release source 2 dev tools to the public. We are stuck with base alyx until them. The physics system is what I was most amazed about in the game. Apparently it's called Rubicon and was made in house for 12 years. It's fucking amazing how well the soft body physics work along with the other physics such as barrels rolling down stairs.