ITT: Video game characters that are literally you

ITT: Video game characters that are literally you

Attached: Th06Rumia.png (128x247, 30.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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is that so

Yes, that is so.

Good evening, Trannies

is this the thread for my fellow youkai

no, this is the god thread.

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whoa, based?

I want to hug Rumia

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Based on what?
Didn't you ever learn to finish your sentences?

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A good thread?

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The background NPC. That’s all I’ll ever be.

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would you Yas Forums?

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Im the truck

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based on this 7

>didn’t dropped [P]
fake and gay

Nice 9
You are now literally Cirno

did they just reverse isekai?


I'm going to do exactly THIS if I ever get my hands on you OP. Spoilered for illegal content.

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[P] is just censorship for blood

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If you get trucked in a fantasy world you end up in a fan game. If you get trucked in a fan game you end up in a porn game. Nobody knows exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes...

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koishi is actually from our world

Don't worry, they'll respawn!

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post spaghetti

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I like making the sound effects of Marisa eating spaghetti out loud and every time I do I get increasingly more disgusted with every passing second.

Attached: Marisa eating an spaghetts.gif (450x500, 1.41M)

what happens if you get trucked in a horror spinoff?

that's pretty hardcore.

I have even the same shit hairstyle and similar outfits. Did not do it on purpose.

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Y’know, I once had this idea for an Isekai thing where a guy gets hit by a truck and dies... And then his body gets picked up by aliens and used as a way to create cheap cyborg soldiers. He proves defective, though, so they drop him in an extremely hostile sector of the galaxy. It’s what I like to call “Isekai Hell”

this is cool.

She won't hug back, she'll just remain in the T-Pose

No they wont. We discussed this. Trucks are anti-Nature technology. If a truck splats a fairy, they can't manifest again because of Global Warming.

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>they can't manifest again because of Global Warming.

wait did Ferngully really happen?

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>Global Warming
These fairies of hotness would get stronger because the world's getting warmer.

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No we went over this last time. Global Warming also causes Global Cooling by melting the all the polar ice.

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Whats the sauce on this? Need to read this shit

No wonder why Cirno's getting more powerful.

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Harasaki, same author of this masterpiece

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iconic theme