Late 90's/Early 00's thread

Late 90's/Early 00's thread

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>escape from monkey island
i liked it.

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>99% of the games are shooters

boomers fuck off lmao

yeah you would know zoomie. you better go donate to your favorite streamer

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Adam when he is out of coke

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Gaming wen't to shit in the 2000s

name one good game made before 2007

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all of them?

neverwinter nights, oblivion, halo 2, rainbow six III or Vegas, Red Alert 2, Civilization Revolution or Ci 4

yes I need it UNNNF i need those polygons in my blood

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She looks like Melissa Joan Hart.

that's who it is buddeh

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'98-'04 was peak PC culture, how do we bring it back?

i just want to go back to when i first saw this screen

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He's trolling though I think 2007 was a good year for gaming despite Yas Forumss contrarianism

>Alien Swarm
>Red Orchestra
God damn this brings me back, I used to play those 2 + killing floor all the fucking time. I even used to run my own server in KF with a ton of custom maps, models and some custom weapons

Name one good game after 2007

I unironically think Xbox ruined PC gaming

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Dark Souls. That is about it.



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There are too many to count. I love RTCW and ET though. I wish both were still alive, even with the ''rebirth'' patch ET still barely breaks 150 players

No more...please....

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This is truly horrifying. I almost forgot how bad early CGI was

we didn't start the thread... IT WAS ALREADY BURNING

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picrelated: Truely golden age of PC

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