Go in with the lowest expectations possible

>go in with the lowest expectations possible
>expect it to be 15 hours
>expect the combat to be FF15 tier shitty
>expect the voice acting to be terrible like how bad all the FF characters are in KH
>hoping they stick to a 1:1 story remake because have 0 faith they won't fuck up anything original they do

>combat is great
>voice acting is great
>40 hour length
>(almost) all the plot changes are good
>cutscenes are well directed and only cringe a couple of times
>incredibly hyped for where they take the story in part 2

It's been a long time since my expectations were completely fulfilled by a video game. It feels good after what happened with MGSV, bros.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake-Cover-Comparison.jpg (1710x900, 169.12K)

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I haven't finished it yet, plate just dropped so no spoilers please but so far heaps of the cutscenes have been cringe and every time those fucking ghosts fly past I get pissed off

Ariel dies

This. None of the characters act like real people. They do exaggerated grunts and poses every time they talk. What is this, metal gear rising?

Wedge is fucking terrible, every cutscene with him is so damn bad

A lot of that grunt thing is a problem with the audio mixing. The game treats those grunts as dialogue, rather than sound effects, so it sounds like it's right in your ear, instead of where the characters are standing.

The people complaining have never played JRPGs since 1997
AKA losers

Wedge is a fat manchild who's in a terrorist militia with his cooler friends, it's an extremely believable character

yeah it's an anime. the original was like that too, all the FF games are

Characters are true to they're personalities. Barrett's beginning animations are the only really japanese thing. After a few chapters it gets a lot better

Stop lying you cunt.

nice shitpost

The combat is the best part. Making barret the healer Cloud the magic user and tifa the dps. It's a lot of fun

Fuck off that's my cats name

>voice acting is great
Opinion discarded. The voice acting is awful. From Madam M shouting lines to appear "exotic" (and just coming off as a lunatic or poorly acted out) to Aerith's "You're WRONG! >=/", the dialogue and voice acting is probably the worst I have seem in ages.

It makes you wonder when a card game that nobody plays from Riot has such a higher quality voice acting than FUCKING REMAKE FINAL FANTASY VII.

I haven't seen this copypasta in a while. Did you rotate scripts at the wumao-sweatshop?

Attached: Shill standard issue sheet.png (626x884, 74.3K)

>only cringe a couple of times
great compliment kek

>played the remake
>now I can't go back to the original
I should've beat the original first, but oh well. Guess I'll wait 5 years for part 2.

Attached: 1586626425882.png (380x264, 82.24K)

Attached: It's a shill episode.gif (692x515, 712.33K)

If you're trying to convince gullible retards that that sheet is real, you could lay off the typos and use full stops consistently, at least to start.

I made barret support, tifa blackmage/monk hybrid and cloud a full blown tank.

Im glad they changed the story so much cause it sure makes people seethe


Well hidden shill. Valorent won't Last long.

This game is objectively and empirically shit.

Attached: FF7 Then and Now.jpg (2800x1768, 3.43M)


I see that Barry is about.

you should remake it using only midgar renders

>card game that nobody plays
And I'm not promoting one game over the other, brainlet. I'm comparing two games with tons of voice acting - one where it's good, despite being a very minor side project, and one being FINAL FANTASY FUCKING SEVEN.

Needs a shot of Tifas fat tits from the original on the left along with a pic of every playable character and the entire world map, then just a circle around Midgar on the world map on the right and the whole 4 characters you can use with the other 5 crossed out.

Barret seems to have the most hp+ upgrades. That's why live saver is really handy. But tifa is the only stagger machine. Cloud seems to be best at stagger damage after 200%

Have u ever seen anime or played a VA dubbed nip game?

Ok. Your opinion is valid and appreciated

I don’t believe you
Only FF’s dwindling fanbase likes the game but they would like it even if it was the most awful game ever made because that’s what they do. They would defend it to the end

Did you play the original?

>Needs a shot of Tifas fat tits from the original on the left

Attached: 7.jpg (1042x1016, 243.61K)