What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Reminders that the only reason this game still has any shred of life left is because of coomers.
It's not a porn game.
its a dlc expansion being sold as a separate game, which is only not ok when blizzard does it
Are there like Hong Kong Supporters who play this game?
pandering to esports and streeeemers instead of their actual playerbase
I died pretty suddenly, which surprised me.
giving Genji pants
Jeff Kaplan is a retard
*it died.
Fug, I'm retarded and dead.
The PVE stuff was always a shit version of Mann vs Machine. I don't know why they're making it the focus.
>We will never get Good Porn of Overwatch, thanks to Chinazzlard
Are you kidding? Yeero makes some of the best animation period.
They tried to "redefine" what a sequel is.
Literally nobody wanted a sequel
>Ber00 last Overwatch pic was in April
This, mostly the esports thing.
Don't worry, it isn't one.
How long has Overwatch 1 been out for?
How many new maps did they introduce?
How many heroes?
would have been better if the number was zero for both. every new hero and map has been shit.
The correct answer is too little in a long time spam.
An actually moba would have farted out more heroes in shorter time than Blizshits failed abortion of a game.
Them making another game, while their first game is still barebones with such little content is the biggest crock of shit in the history of vidya.
Im actually sick to my stomach because of Blizshits action.
>Them making another game, while their first game is still barebones with such little content is the biggest crock of shit in the history of vidya
Left 4 dead did it better
Nah, literally every hero they've added has made the game worse.
A lack of BASED heroes. So let’s make em
Support hero who's ultimate is enabling friendly fire for both teams for the duration.
Can instead be for only the enemy team if you're a coward.
No matter how many gameplay videos I watch I just never find myself drawn to this. It's weird because I'm a hatfag and back when Valve added new weapons to the game I got excited about all the cool stuff I could potentially do with them but every time I see gameplay of a new overwatch hero, it just seems more of the same streamlined MOBA crap and I get bored looking at it
Oh you. That’s just... Great
What about personality?
You could go hard on the theme of chaos and betrayal. A clown, a bloody revolutionary, or even an agent provocateur type person could work. Care free, trickster, and asshole works well with these archtypes.
Of course, being a doctor, you could make them a hyper-humanitarian doctor that will heal someone regardless of which side of the conflict they are on. Either an uncompromising human/omnic doctor or a simple/prototype robot doctor with an AI extremely focused on keeping people alive no matter what.
Humanitarian, stubborn, and either young and naive or someone old, wise, and grown long tired of losing people. This conflicts on its face with the idea of turning people against each other so the synergy of the theme suffers but overall may be more interesting than yet another chaos worshiper in media.
>game is called overwatch 2
>is not actually overwatch 2
what are they thinking
the original game has been made worse with every update and is now irredeemable
this was a hastily thrown-together expansion at best to make people forget about the hong kong thing
esports is dogshit
I notice that every explanation that people have for why Overwatch died don't make much coherent sense on their own. I think it just boils down to the fact that the game didn't have much at launch and the more stuff they added the more everyone got fatigued, especially since the game is $40
You say fatigued but they added stuff at a remarkably slow pace. It's more like people just lost interest.
that's what i mean, the incremental pace made the vanilla game exhausting and by the time they added shit it just wasn't worth the wait. then there's the fact that they changed some characters to the point where some are completely unrecognizable from launch
>What went wrong?
First and foremost, imagine if you were eagerly awaiting Project Titan, a next gen MMO with all the (old) Blizzard polish.
...and then all you got was Overwatch, which is essentially bits and scraps of Project Titan's PvP mode and design ideas . Basically 1/10th of the original game concept. Just imagine if they had spent 7 years working on World of Warcraft, only to cancel it after all that saying they "couldn't find the fun in it", and then as a consolation prize they released a game that was only the PvP maps from WoW and nothing else. While initially impressive, the knowledge that the amazing world design in these maps will never be fully explored starts to tear your down on the inside, and you just become depressed (or at least I did.)
I played Overwatch pretty hardcore for the first 3-4 months of it being out, then dropped it almost cold turkey, maybe coming back to try the PvE modes a couple times. Then, Nu-Blizzard staff (aka: Blue Haired Shriekers) started pouring their ideas into the game and, sorry for the crassness, but quite effectively started fagging it all up with shit new designs for characters, ruining backstory to pander, and "no fun allowed" mentality. Doesn't help that matchmaking is overtuned as fuck (I do NOT need a system placing me with only people my skill level. Otherwise how will I have fun and dominate noobs/Get owned by Pros and learn to git gud?) which increased wait times, and then focused too goddamned much on Esport faggotry (AGAIN).
Letting go of this game makes me happier than remembering it.
pathetic list
Love it. I love it a lot. Here’s mine
>Name: Nichola Manson
>Codename: Rook
>Role: Tank
>Backstory: Nicholas Mason was a formerly idealistic riot control officer who's squad was killed via bomb at the behest of a local powerful gang. Enraged, Nicholas fought his way through the gang, despite orders to not do so, over a course of 24 hours and confronted their leader, who was apparently a low-ranking TALON member. Nicholas promptly subdued and arrested him. After that, Nicholas proceeded to take on a new code name, Rook, and start heading into borderline warzones that involved individuals with highly specialized equipment and superhuman abilities, with "Maximum force" being authorized.
>Personality: He has a slight air of optimism about him (“Come on. If we don’t try, who will?”), but there’s always this sort of rage bubbling beneath the surface. He kind of has the facade of calmness slip from time to time, revealing he’s out for blood. Talon’s blood.
>Weapon 1: Riot Shotgun. Resembles a SPAS-12. Very bad accuracy for a shotgun, but deals a ton of damage at close range, and has a fairly large magazine size.
>Weapon 2: SMG. Looks kind of like an MP5. Does below-average damage and has a small magazine size, but has a high fire rate, low recoil, is is fairly accurate.
>Skill 1: Shield. Nicholas can put up his riot shield in order to block attacks. It only extends to himself, and explosives can still knock him back.
>Passive Skill: Slide. If Nicholas melees when crouching, he can slide. If he "Slides" in midair, he can do a flying kick.
>Ultimate: Gas Grenade. Nicholas throws a gas grenade that slows movement and obscures vision, along with dampening enemy weapon accuracy.
Overall, he's a tank that's based on his own survival. He sort of plays like the Point Man from FEAR, but without the bullet time and a riot shield instead of medkits.
>then there's the fact that they changed some characters to the point where some are completely unrecognizable from launch
I hate shit like this the most. I also hate how they're trying way too hard to micromanage by introducing class limits and what-have-you.
The game got worse, it really did, and that's a factor we can't gloss over if we're discussing why fewer and fewer people are playing it.
The game isnt even out yet so I are people judging ot already?
its out its called overwatch 1..
Yes. They're spamming the quote.