What downgrade hurts you in the gut the most?
What downgrade hurts you in the gut the most?
Other urls found in this thread:
The one Dying Light 2 is going to instill with its "meaningful choices"
left side looks way more atmospheric,
how could they fuck up so bad
From remembered it had to run on PS3
Basically they wen't "HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ALL THIS SHIT WE CAN DO WITH THE PC" and then looked at the ps3 and said "Oh."
>tfw kids are too young to remember Spore
You already posted it. Has there every been a bigger downgrade?
Xbox 360 bro
reminder consoletards are still holding the industry back
playing TF2 on an xbox360 after playing it on PC for so long
i dunno, it's totally different but right looks better quality (though less interesting design)?
The difference is that Valve didn't feel the need to gimp the PC version of TF2 to match the Xbox360 version.
Faggot I'm (18) and spore was the shit
>but right looks better quality
Because it's a screenshot and not a photo of someone's screen during E3, come the fuck on, user.
You were a stupid ass faggot ass 3 year old who didn't even know better
Both look bad given they miss the DeS and DaS 1 feel but that's pretty sad.
>Dark Souls 2 annoucement trailer was 8 years ago and everyone on Yas Forums lost their shit
literally soulles, the final product is a thousand times better
How the fuck was the final product better when it was just a CGI trailer?
I genuinely prefer right side.
seethe harder retard
The mannequin face changes still crack me up.
I liked orange box tf2 because it’s the closest thing I can think of to vanilla tf2.
Still the best souls trailer prove me wrong fags
>DS1 and DeS reveal trailers that were mostly in-game footage and assets
This DS2 trailer was the first warning sign. It feels like the trailer came before anything else, especially considering the final product.
The series started as a console exclusive. And they had already made two games. It's their fault, not the hardware.
>everyone on Yas Forums lost their shit
Good times.
Crisis ran at 30 fps on a ps4
Bf4 ran on a Ps3
From should have hired decent programmers to fix their garbage engine
Phoneposting autocorrect cancer - i meant crisis ran at 30 fps on a PS3
If there were no consoles you'd have to upgrade your pc so much more often than now