Animal Crossing thread!

Animal Crossing thread!
>Post Dodos
>Post Turnip Prices
>Hang out and chill

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Why the fuck is goldie so happy? She's been prancing around for hours all over the island whistling, or whatever it is they're doing when the music notes are coming out of them

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>all nook debt paid off
>still have 4 million bells in the bank

I love the pig loli

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Fuck off tranny

how big is roalds dick

>three days straight Francine has asked me to leave the island
>move her house next to mine
>give her gifts every morning and night
>see her walking past me with a cloud over her head
>"Please don't talk to me right now, Karat. I have a lot on my mind."
>no other conversations when I talk to her
>this morning she's in boxes because I "missed" my dialogue to tell her to stay
I'm not playing this piece of shit game. Fuck the devs.

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me playing a little music for M**. I find it helps them work faster.

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Eternal Stonks
Always morning of Sunday, 19th of April, 2020.
Daisy Mae is always there, selling turnips for 90 bells.
The system time gets reverted to 5am before it reaches midday prior to launching or re-launching the game to maintain the turnip price.

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And here's a group photo! As you can see the girls are quite satisfied and I'm happy to say both of them will be working again tomorrow! here's to hybrids, lads!

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goldies alright

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anyone have decent turnip prices?

Don't get me wrong, Goldie is one of my favorites, It's just strange seeing someone this happy. I must learn her secrets.

Freya is my boyfriend-free gf

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shirt if anyone else wants to zap to the extreme

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M4K5N if you want 461 turnips. 30 minutes left to close

Stores are closed but Kicks and Celeste are here. Stars are falling but somewhat infrequent so far. Come say hello, get some footwear, a backpack, a recipe and draw on my board.

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I'll jump over, but an update literally just got posted. What version are you running on?

I keep getting wuh-oh'd

I've already had two villagers trying to leave, I give them gifts semi-regularly. Why do they want to leave so badly?

Closing soon anwyay, so many people

I had someone try to leave the day after they unpacked, I think it's just random

In retrospect, I'm glad I procrastinated on terraforming my island. Bushes and shrubs and veggies change everything

>nook's cranny closed on the 23rd for renovations
>earth day update on the same day
better not being anything in the update that i need the shop open for

Woo! What a payout! Thanks, user!

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you should accept that some people just don't like you

we are getting veggies?

Someone please give Tammy to me!!

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Caramelldansen is eternal

i'm having a lot of fun just doing little by little each day, getting satisfaction seeing it slowly come together. also having fun seeing the time travelling min/maxers who spent 100 hours painstakingly creating their elaborate islands in the first week of release seething about new shit being added 'screwing' them.


I Just started a new file. had to reset like 10 times as all the villagers and island were shitty. I got tammy though so that one is now a keeper.

>nooks cranny upgrading tomorrow
>wont have access for earth day
should i be scared?

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No problem, thanks for the visit.

Post your villagers and rate others

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Isn't earth day not a single day anyway

Thanks user. Sold a good stack of nips
This will help a ton

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the promo video implied Lief would be visiting more than once

When the fuck are fortune cookies coming back? With all the new stuff Nintendo's had in recent years this game seemed perfect for crossover items.
>A buried Guardian from BOTW that comes to life if you interact with it
>The Odyssey ship that plays the music box version of Cascade Kingdom if you interact with it
>Commander Tartar's phone from Splatoon 2
>A floating smash ball
>A Cappy version of the Mario hat
There's so many possibilities that it seemed weird that they just completely dropped crossover items for this game.