Nintenbros................we need to come up with a plan to stop Sonychads from winning

Nintenbros................we need to come up with a plan to stop Sonychads from winning..........................

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snoy is already self destructing, nintendo doesn’t need to do a damn thing. just sit back and watch the fireworks

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trust me labo 2 will surly win

nigga has ps4 ever completely sold out in recent years? we were winning since 2017

kek calm down ninbros
you'll get some games one of these days

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My buddy made that gem.

Pretty sure they are sold out right now

except snoys were the ones who were being excluded

Hmm, when nintendo fans talk about the switch they talk about how much it's selling, but when sonybros (chads) talk about Sony, they talk about the games.
Hmm, very interesting.

Nintendo got its latest first party exclusive just a month ago.
Meanwhile sony got.......

>but when sonybros (chads) talk about Sony, they talk about the games.
lmao they literally do not

One of the best JRPGs of all time

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>they talk about the games
What games?

Posting in low quality thread

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>they talk about the games.
snoys actually need games to talk about, user

Name 5 switch games from this year

>last game sony got was a 2016 PS3 game

Animal Crossing
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
No More Heroes III


Lmfao keep coping faggot

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why does she have that look on her face

if she disgusted to raise her skirt she just shouldnt do it what a retard

Lol, fuck off, Sony are NOT Chads, if they were, they wouldn't censor their games.


>PS3 game from almost half a decade ago
damn sony is killing it

Animal Crossing
kek not out yet, also it looks like shit
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
No More Heroes III
Not out yet. KEK

winning what?
The fuck do you care about someone elses feelings/achievements?

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lmao BotW has 97, you still lose cunt

>it doesn't count because I said the reddit buzzword

If you have to false flag at least put in some effort.

You said 2020, not if they weren't released yet. Cope.

Silly snoy, it’s YOUR company that’s failing not ninty.

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Take the L

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