Why won't it just die already

why won't it just die already

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essential service


"temporarily cut executive's salaries"
shits rotten son, it needs to go

Where did the gamestop touch you user?

Why the fuck do people here pretend to hate gamestop? Gamestop did nothing wrong


the sooner it dies the better, followed by its peers

they dont have battletoads



better yet, how did it fail so hard in the last couple of years? mismanagement?

Gamestop may be doing what every other shitty business is doing, but it doesn't make it right

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overexpansion and buying/streaming games online

doesn't make it wrong either.

Forget Gaystop Disc Replay just closed 2 more stores ahhhh

user cutting executive salaries means they're inches away from death. There is literally nothing that can make a big corporation cut executive salaries short of their only other option being shutting down completely.

Digital sales, getting into debt, (buy a cell phone company of all things) horrible PR, bad customer service, shitty trade in rates, having a store every 5 seconds from each other, the list goes on and on.

Honestly, if they never bought that cell phone company they would of been fine. They had zero debt at that point.

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I would argue other wise. The bad PR is honestly hurting the company pretty badly

Every company has a bad pr phase.

When they go under will they sell their stock at ridiculous low prices or will they jew til the very end?

This plus

>literal old men in managment positions not letting fresh young men get into upper managment (literal old managers that had been promoted in 99 still working their as DMs)
>not promoting talent because their DMs are so cliqued up that if they don't like you you'll never be promoted
>taking outside talent vs inside promotions
>buying thinkgeek
>refusing to give stores hours to actually function and prohibiting overtime and actively encouraging people to clock out and keep working
>paying nothing compared to the average salary of a retail manager
>sub managers given all power but no pay to match with extra responsibilities
>and barely give them 25 hours a week
>terrible break scheduling
>the inability to say no to stolen property
>forcing people to shill shit they know doesn't help people
>forcing people to work on thanksgiving and engendering the bad PR train that kept going and they still haven't stopped
>golden parachutes in the millions for when they inevitably die but nothing for employees
>not providing enough game codes for store employees, only GMs get anything and still get shit on the most

Upper management will never change. Making terrible decisions and not realizing they were wrong till the end. That's how upper managment at gamestop works.

>orders a "new" game off their website
>it comes without the original cover art an in a shitty plastic case

>muh economy

I work there. If it goes out of business I lose my job.

you can collect unemployment that pays you more than your gamestop wagie

In all seriousness if you really do work there, you should jump ship user

It's a valid question from the opposite end. The Janitor is at the forefront of keeping cleanliness in the establishment and is constantly exposing themselves to a greater risk of illness from bacteria that comes from either sloppy patrons or fellow employees. They should have a higher pay to offset that health risk.

I still think Gamestop should just make their stores waaaaay smaller and carry waaaay less stuff. Sell brand new games/equipment and stuff like controllers. Have a small section for used games. Then take their massive, massive inventory and sell it online. Cut back on store space, employees and the such. Sell the shit people go to Gamestop for and that's it. They don't need to be these big massive hangout places. The people that do come in groups don't buy anything they are always kids running around or morons just killing time.

You're selling to an autismo fanbase, make it streamlined and quick for less chitchat.

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Yeah like plenty others these days

There are a lot of people who can do what the janitor does. There are very few people who are competent enough to be a CEO.
Study economics for even a single day.

I don't hate Gamestop i just want to filch cheap games when they close.

They're trying to hold on until the PS5 releases

Not him, but there are also a lot of incompetent CEO's that get golden para shoots when their companies fail. I think that is a little unfair, when their employees are the ones that foot the bill in the end. While Capitalism is the best system we currently have right now, it doesn't mean when it's taken to the extreme there aren't faults. Gamestop proves even when you do everything wrong, these fuckers still aren't held accountable

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There are a lot of people that can do it, but not a lot of people that will.
>There are very few people who are competent enough to be a CEO.
The way you see boards like this go on about business practices it's more like no one is competent enough to be a CEO.

The fact that they are defying the quarantine should already indicate this. It's pretty clear that gamestop is getting desperate if their only option is to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing in terms of staying safe.