Soon lads. MMO kinos is back on the menu!
Amazons New World
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lol it's gonna suck
Dead before it was born.
is this the first of the big Amazon games to come out? I remember the announcement of their studio a year or two ago.
I was in the closed beta and enjoyed my time with it. Probably wouldn't pay for it but testers are getting a free copy.
>August 26
Why not just release it now as early access/beta or some shit. It’s gonna be a please of shit either way
Isn't this the game that started out as global PvP but then wussed out to flag style since they were afraid they would lose players as a result?
Global full loot pvp is never fun and 9/10 times it's just larger group wins
>let's delete the global pvp because we can't come up with another solution other than full loot
You opt in to pvp when you go on specific quests or by choice. So global pvp on means better rewards. Seems like a fair balance to me. And it's 3 faction based rather than random dm
I am having lots of fun in Last Oasis right now. Also, yes it is the bigger group that usually wins. Fortunately, the devs for LO have said they wish to move away from big groups being the meta, so this will be interesting to see if they can pull something off that works.
"we want to pull off the impossible!"
There's a reason fps games have balanced team numbers
literally braindead
This, the LotR show, and COVID19 fallout will be the end of Amazon.
amazon's doing better than it ever has user
what are you smoking
it's not FFXI: Classic so why should we care?
WoWclone MMOs and New MMOs are always bad.
Its just bezos way of investing some of his billions laying around because a game IP and assets suffer from inflation less
Leaked gameplay, looks fucking boring
it's just like real life
Can't wait until hackers take over the whole map.
I've been eyeballing that game lately since it looks to hit the marks of what I want in a game except for a lack of commerce at this point in time, so it's interesting to hear that the devs are looking into ways to alter it beyond their current situation of limiting players based on shards. I was reading about how there's already mega groups in it that have people playing the game like a job and dictating who can use what blueprints and what skiffs or whatever the vehicles are at any time and if someone leaves the group, they have to give up all their items as it was "built off the work of the group", so yeah, fuck those guys, I want to hear more about small groups skirmishing and having fun on 4-10 person scale. I've also been looking into Albion Online, but it too seems to suffer from mega group syndrome and I'm waiting to see how that'll be worked around, since it was something I didn't care for in EVE, though that was more of a case of going against a guy and suddenly a fleet drops on you that he's multiboxing.
holy shit amazon is unironically being shilled on Yas Forums
That's just human nature user, there's no way around it. When it comes to this kind of pvp autists will suck the soul out of it first chance they get. See:
Public Conan servers
etc etc
It sucks, but it is what it is. I was banking on Crowfall being an interesting twist on the open world PvP genre, but that game has fallen apart and lost its image pretty fast.
I might end up just playing SWG Emu or even UO Emu again at this point, since I just like the idea a sandbox MMO that's player driven and everyone is more or less unique in that they bring their own skill sets to the community and be someone of reknown. I had fun with Yas Forums in the past when we did UO and Wurm Online due to nobody having the same builds and filling like a niche within our little communities, but modern game design revolves more around selling and allowing players to be solo gods in a genre where numbers of both body counts and equipment make the biggest difference, and it's getting kind of boring.
Other then all your equipped items showing on your guy at once this looks like the most soulless boring shit ever. Even if you're looking at it by the low standards of MMO games it looks like clunky bullshit and console hold button to fill circle menu shit.
not gonna lie this looks like absolute dogshit
>EvE perfected PvP/Loot
>no one copies it
Game developers are retarded
>>Global full loot pvp is never fun and 9/10 times it's just larger group wins
>What is EvE online
Cringe zoomer
i thought about a full loot system like that once
problem is that characters die far faster than ships
so just bump up the production
1 run of goods generates 5x sets of armor
I don't think sacrificial ganks for full loot is really the answer the genre needed.
Which is why theft should be punished equal to murder.
But the 1.0 security system is really good, sure its not perfect but you can play around with the idea of NPC police forces with varying effectiveness based off distance to civilisation.