It's been 9 years since they killed this franchise with the mash A to win simulation that was Dragon Age 2. I loved everything about this game, every one of the DLC's although admittedly short felt nicely done.
What was your favorite class/race to play?
City elves not welcome
It's been 9 years since they killed this franchise with the mash A to win simulation that was Dragon Age 2...
last game I was a slum dwarf dps rogue, loved that lil nigga. Who should I play this round?
The feather in the cap of DAO is that it is an entirely self contained story from start to finish without any need to play a sequel. Mass Effect wasn't so fortunate.
DA2 was a slap in the face in more ways than one.
Arcane Warrior & berzerker are my favorites.
Elf mage so you can double smug and human noble are my best races.
Barkspawn is best companion, Zevran second best.
The Uninstall Wizard
Mage elf/human (doesn't matter, elf gives more dialogue I suppose)...
blood mage and arcane warrior are pretty good
this franchise was never good to begin with.
Should I play NeverWinter 2?
I don't hear a lot of people talking about it
pic unrelated
i couldn't get into it back in the day, never finished it as a kid but tons of people love it
DAO is what every JRPG wishes it could be
noble human rogue
ranger+bard(crit bonus song)
enough str and dex for gear then full cunning
I'll guess I might give it a go...
Why didn't you like it?
My favorite thing about this game was that no matter what character you made, you'd still be OP as shit by the end of the game. Play a dual wielding warrior? You'll be an unstoppable killing machine churning through enemies. Sneaky archer? Literally stealth 1 shot every enemy in the game. Mage? Game actually becomes easy mode.
DA2 was like Mass Effect 2.
People hated it at the time but when they saw how bad the games after it were, they realised that DA2/ME2 actually were pretty good by comparison.
Main problem with DA2 was it was literally made in less than 6 months, it was rushed as hell.
Could've been heaps better if they took another year on it.
I loved DA2.
>Mash A to win
and you're clearly retarded. no matter how hard you mash A her attack speed is the same as autoattack.
I liked ME2 as a bold step from the original tonally and mechanically (although I prefer ME1 even now) didn't see much positive change personally: What makes you think DA 2 was good, user?
DA2's sarcastic speech options were fun and i liked the companions(except nu-anders/justice and carver), which is enough to carry the game for me
so why even include it? theres no timing involved, its just there for what exactly?
So people feel more like they're playing I guess.
>Should I play NeverWinter 2?
I played it after DAO and enjoyed it a lot.
It did start to drag towards the end, but I thought it captured the feeling of an "epic adventure" really well (like Lord of the Rings)
It's kind of shit and most of your choices are meaningless.
DA2 was just lazy, the game wasn't completely shit, but inquisition, that was fucking pathetic, single player mmo garbage
Yeah might as well give it a go.. I'm thirsty for anything right now..
eh, could be said about 90% of games really
Do it for her
I never used Shale for long periods on my other playthroughs. Started doing so on this one and love it.
>I loved everything about this game
Then you have very low standards.
Female city elf was GOAT.
I can still hear the guard going "oh sod" when you get the sword.
They patched standard auto-attacking in anyways like a month after release. At least on PC, they did. If you went back and played it today, it wouldn't feel button mash-y at all
All three are epic it's called product diversification.
Backstab don't go bard protip
thats kinda cool then
What did you think of Awakenings?